Date Sweetened Vegan Ginger Cookies

Ali Segersten Jul 29, 2009 20 comments

I received an email from a reader about two weeks ago for an allergen-free ginger cookie. When I saw the recipe I knew I had to give them a try. Here is the lovely email that Pam sent me: Ali, I have been following your blog for a while. We are gluten-free, dairy-free, corn-free, and some other stuff, and I have enjoyed reading your recipes. Recently my niece has been tested as intolerant to gluten, rice, dairy, egg, corn, cane sugar, yeast, vanilla, cinnamon, apple, and others. I sent her family a link to your website for rice-free recipes. I have been working on a cookie recipe that would work for little Emily (who is not yet two). Today's batch was quite successful, and I thought I would share it with you, since you have shared so much with us. ~Pam

Pam also mentioned in a follow-up email that she needed to design a recipe that other family members could eat. So soy, nuts, and a number of other spices were also out. They could also only use small amounts of higher-fructose syrups like honey and agave.


I hope you enjoy these cookies as much as we did. My 7 year old daughter was asking this morning when I was going to make them again!


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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Thank you for the great recipes but sorghum and tapioca flour have high glycemic indexes.

I MADE THESE COOKIES WITH MILLET FLOUR INSTEAD OF SORGHUM AND THEY WERE NOT GOOD! They were somewhat flavourless and had a sawdusty texture. I know to be care ful with flour substitutions but I had read that millet could be substituted for sorghum. On to the next cookie recipe! Thank you for all the ideas and inspiration.

What a wonderful cookie for toddlers. Can I use millet instead of Sorghum? I can't wait to make these..

I just made these yesterday and they're already GONE! :( thanks for doing all the experimental work for me! they're on my blog and I gave a shout out to you two.

Jennifer - Hmm, mine were not squishy but they were soft and more cake-like. These are not a crispy cookie. I guess it would be hard to decifer that from the photo. Possibly under-measuring the flour or over-measuring the liquids by a little could have caused them to be too squishy. I do think that they are a perfect toddler cookie, glad your little one enjoyed them! :)

Mine turned out squishy soft. Are they supposed to be squishy cookies? They're good, but the texture is different than I expected. I like that the flavor is really light and mellow. I used a heart cookie-cutter to make indentations in them for D. and I imagine she is going to ask for those yummy heart cookies again!

Looking forward to a post about toddler/baby foods!

FortheloveofFood - Thanks! So glad you enjoyed them! Freezing part of the batch sounds like a great idea.

-Ali :)

Thank you Pam and Ali for sharing this recipe with us! I made it yesterday and can see why your nephew thought they were the best ever! I had a hard time not wanting to eat the whole batch as it came out of the oven so I froze part of it aftery they cooled.

Shirley - That cookie recipe sounds great, soaked raisins, wow! I love the honey from your bees. My girls used little spoonfuls in their tea for months, just to savor it. :)

Those look so irresistible! I have a cookie recipe where I soak the raisins, so same concept. Natural sweeteners are wonderful. I still need to get on that bandwagon more.

We did just get 4 gallons of honey from our bees! As natural as it comes, but still don't want to use too much. :-)


Zmama - Yes just pour boiling water over them. Or you can soak them in room temp water for a few hours like the original recipe indicated. I just like to have a recipe I can make in an instant and not wait for things like the dates to soak. I am sure both methods work equally well.

-Ali :)

Those look wonderful.

Quick question (I am so not a cook), when you say boiling water for the dates - is this just boiling water poured over them or is it that they are in the boiling water on the stove for 15 minutes?


Ellen - Thanks (actually thank Pam), hope you enjoy! :)

Amy - I too love using dates as a sweetener in baking and in raw desserts and snacks. I use dates in my chocolate chip cookies much like this recipe does. :)

Katrina - Enjoy! :)

ohhhh! I want to make these!

I love using dates as a sweetener. It's a good, earthy sweetness that's so satisfying.

Thanks for a great cookie recipe. I don't often make cookies - I don't know why. But I love ginger and want to give these a try.

Ali - these look yummy. I love using dates as a sweetener in baked goods. Can't wait to try them!


Katie - Thanks, hope you enjoy! :)

Meghan - This is a great simple cookie recipe. Also another great toddler snack idea. :)

Pam - Thanks for posting your original recipe, I had just thought to post it in the comment section but I see you did already. I am sure it is interesting for people to see the changes I made. Thanks again for sharing your delicious allergy-free recipe with me! :)


You're welcome, glad you and the kiddos enjoyed them!

Here is my original recipe, if anyone needs to avoid cinnamon and vanilla like Emily!


Emily’s Ginger Cookies

200 g dates (soaked for an hour or two)
3 tbs oil (canola)
2 tbs date soaking water
1 tbs honey/maple syrup/agave nectar

1 ¼ c sorghum flour
½ c tapioca flour
¼ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp xanthan gum
1/8 tsp ground ginger
½ tsp nutmeg

1. Preheat oven 350F
2. Process first four ingredients (drain the dates) in food processor until very smooth.
3. Whisk together the dry ingredients, add them to the wet ingredients and process/stir together
4. Form 1 – 1 1/2” balls, flatten on cookie tray lined with parchment. They will not spread. Bake 11 min.
5. Makes approx 21 cookies

What a great and simple whole cookie recipe. I love using dates as a sweetener- the sweetness plus all the nutrients.

These look great! I just discovered that I'm gluten intolerant, and I've had trouble finding dessert recipes that use fruit as a sweetener. I can't wait to try them!

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