How to Make Honey-Sweetened Jam

Homemade jam is usually so full of sugar, but it doesn't have to be! Using Pomona's Pectin, one can make a low-sugar, honey-sweetened, or fruit juice-sweetened homemade jam. This particular pectin comes from citrus peel. The jelling is activated by calcium water (mono calcium phosphate) which comes with the pectin. It is so easy to make jam from all of your freshly picked fruit of the season. Making and canning jam is one of the great ways to preserve the harvest!
Last year I experimented quite a bit with some of the hundreds of pounds of fruit we harvested. I made an awesome Vanilla-Plum Jam sweetened with coconut sugar, a Honey-Sweetened Blueberry Jam, Spiced Peach Jam made without pectin and with sugar, Blueberry-Lemon Jam made with a small amount of pureed unripe, immature apples as the pectin source (unripe apples are high in pectin), a tart Italian Plum-Agave Jam, and Cherry-Peach Jam sweetened with grape juice concentrate. Let me tell you, homemade jam makes for many wonderful Christmas gifts!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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I just found this. I hope it works well! I'm trying to cut out excess cane/beet sugar from my diet, while enjoying fruit-flavored meats. Thanks for the recipe!
Can you post the recipe for the blueberry-lemon jam? Also, can you use frozen blueberries? Thanks!
Gail - I have not had luck making jam with unripe apples and honey. I did make some very good blueberry jam one year using small unripe apples for the pectin along with a small amount of sugar. But I really don't like eating any cane sugar so haven't done it since. I do make fruit butters with unripe apples that work quite well (using honey, coconut sugar, or nectar as the sweetener). The more unripe the apples, the more pectin so you may need to adjust the amount of fruit per apple accordingly. I blend the fruit and cored apple together and then cook it down on the stove, then add honey, and cook some more.
I live in a rural area, an island in Puget Sound, and we have challenges finding specialized items like Pomona Pectin. I do, however, have an abundance of green apples right at the moment.
Since the fruit this year is outrageously good in Washington I would love to make jam from some of it. Neither my husband nor I eat sugar and every package of pectin that I can find locally calls for loads of sugar. Sweetening with honey is no problem, sweetening with sugar is a big problem.
How does one go about making jam using green apples for pectin?
Thanks for any reply to my question.
PS I am now on day 34 of the elimination diet and haven't felt this good in years! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I dont know where to find calcium was wondering what else i could use?
Isn't it unsafe to cook with honey related to botulism spores? I had heard particularly with canning, that it should be pressurized to deactivate the spores, but that heating honey actually increases the risk of botulism poisoning.
Hi I have done a LOT of freezer jam you can use Pamonas but I have had better luck with freezer jam pectin. I also tend to use 1/4 the amount of sugar and additional honey with great results. Here is a link
As for canning with honey (and the whole botulism spores in honey)it sketches me out. But I am sure the fruit is acidic enough it probably wouldn't be a issue.
My mother never processed her jam, so I don't. After putting them in the jars I just turn them upside down and let the hot syrup seal the jars. Reba
I use raw honey exclusively. I have also *never* canned. So my question is: can you make jam, honey-sweetened, without having to boil the honey? So that the enzymes stay intact?
wonderful! just what I was looking for. I can't wait to have your recipe for the vanilla-plum jam!!! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
did four batches of this tonight! havent' tasted it but you made the process seem so simple--thank you.. I've ever done freezer jams before and I definately need the space in my freezer! -
I love that I just learned that I can water bath in my 8qt pressure cooker with the steam basket it--LOVE IT!! thank you!
Just finished making a batch of strawberry honey in cute 4 ounce jars for gift giving. Turned out beautifully.Whole Foods reported they are no longer carrying it and found the last two boxes at a local co-op.
Thanks so much for sharing your recipes. Your website and book has been an inspiration to me.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Yes, I do believe that this also works for freezer jam though I have never done it that way. We need all the room in our freezer for all of the fruit we harvest. :) You might want to check the Pomona Pectin package for directions. There is a small pack of powdered calcium in the package that is mixed with water to create the "calcium water" needed to make the jam. And yes, I have used sorghum syrup before but never in jam -- great idea! :)
Once plum season hits in Northwest Washington I will post the Vanilla Plum Jam recipe made with coconut sugar. :)
I'm wondering the same thing as cheryle - is this adaptable to freezer jam recipes? Has anyone tried it?
Can you post the recipe for the Vanilla-Plum jam with coconut sugar?
LOVE jam! This sounds fabulous.
It must be Jam Day!!! ;)
Beautiful photos, Ali! That sounds easy enough. :-)
Sounds great, but where would you get calcium water. Love your recipes and want to buy the cookbook, but it's so hard to find the ingredeints sometimes.
Wonderful recipe! Love honey. I'm hoping to get a freezer next year, and will trial my hand at canning then. My mom used to make and freeze tons of strawberry jam every year.
coooool! jam! i like jam. i've never made any before, but i think it'd be rad someday, when i'm out there in the world on my own and i don't conflict with my mother.
i wouldn't use honey, though, the vegan thing. perhaps sorghum syrup would work. it tastes so much like honey and is thick like honey, too. have you had it before? it's so good. i drool over it. (especially because it's made locally on a little eco-village in rural missouri!)
Can you use the same recipe for freezer jam?
Your pictures look fabulous. I love the homemade gift idea. Last year I made fruit butters with agave, fruit, and spices and they were a hit with the "receivers". I'll have to try the jam.
Canning jam is one of those things that's always intimidated me, and doing it sugar-free is even more scary. But you've got me pumped and I'm really looking forward to doing this sometime this summer. Thanks! :)