Raw Orange Creamsicle Smoothie

Ali Segersten Jun 29, 2011 24 comments

Anyone remember those orange creamsicle popsicles we enjoyed as children? This frosty dairy-free smoothie captures those flavors and provides a host of nutrients and protein. I got the idea for this smoothie from one of our favorite restaurants, Thrive Cafe, in Seattle. Whenever we are in Seattle or driving through we make a stop there either to dine in or to get take-out for the road. It is a mostly raw, vegan, organic cafe with very reasonable prices. All of the to-go containers are biodegradable too!

This smoothie is made with raw almond milk. I have a recipe in my cookbook for making raw almond milk if you need one. I usually soak a big bowl of truly raw organic almonds overnight and scoop out some for almond milk and leave the rest for smoothies and snacking. Place the almonds and water into a high-powered blender. A pinch of sea salt and a dash of maple syrup is all you need to add. Blend, adding more water if needed, and then strain and squeeze though thin dish towel or a nut milk bag. Tom likes to eat the leftover pulp. You can also use the pulp to make dehydrated crackers or cookies.


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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This was awesome! I can't have most foods or drink much due to so many food allergies. But this was a wonderful find and tasted just like my old fav frozen treats! This is my lunch or breakfast now thank you!

I love creamsicles. Haven't had one since I was probably 7-8 years old though. These sound delicious.

astrotsarina - I think this smoothie might become very bitter if you blended up the entire orange. But let me know if the smoothie ends up being edible this way. I think what Dr. Lustig is referring to is to not separate the fiber from the juice. When I juice valencia oranges I keep all of the pulp with the juice. It is really easy to get most of it out of each orange when juicing by hand.

I've been trying to avoid fruit juice lately after watching a lecture on YouTube by UCSF's Dr. Lustig about fructose...and how it's processed exclusively by the liver (just like alcohol) unless it's consumed as whole fruit (as Dr. Lustig says, "When God made the poison, he packaged it with the antidote." This recipe sounds yummy, so I think I'll experiment with it using whole oranges. Do you have any guesses on proportions with that.

Such a great idea for a smoothie!
We are in our final week of Get Grillin' - Dessert is the theme and we would love if you submitted up to any 3 recipes (they don't have to be grilled) to our link up. This one would be perfect! This week we have a Rouxbe Cooking School giveaway. http://su.pr/2YaIiV

I mean *privately ;)

Hi Ali - I just read your page where I noticed you went to Bastyr? Could you email me please? I'd like to talk to you more personally about your experience... Thanks :) -Meagan

That looks delish for summer! I've always wanted to try making almond milk. This looks like the perfect recipe to put my experiment to good use!

Thanks so much for the recipe Ali, I made four batches as a snack for the kids at the crisis nursery yesterday, and at least 75% of them really liked it. Not bad for a bunch of kids who are used to the Standard American Diet(!) and a great way to get some good nutrition into those kids. I think I might go for the avocado fudgesicles next time. thanks.

This sounds so good! I used to love those popsicles as a child!

Thanks you for this recipe. I will be making this for our weekly family night (but subbing coconut milk for the almond milk).

This sounds so refreshing and wonderful. And thank you for the information on the raw almonds :)

Ali - you must have been reading my mind because I've been thinking of creamsicles lately. This drink looks yummy!

Sounds refreshing, I just put a new batch of fresh made almond milk in the fridge...I will be making this tomorrow for sure!

Yummy! We make something like this, but add vanilla.

Shirley - yes that law was passed but there are still places to buy organic raw almonds that have not undergone either of those processes. I buy them by the 30-pound case through a friend who gets them from California. There must be loopholes somewhere, I'll have to dig a little deeper to find out more info. :)

I've always been a creamsicle gal! These look fantastic, Ali. I'm curious about the truly raw almonds as I thought the FDA had passed some law that all almonds had to be pasteurized (I think that was the term used) by steam or radiation. I think I remember that correctly. Do the steamed ones qualify as raw still? Just curious.


Thanks gals! Enjoy!

Sharon - we are still working on finishing the book now, though it looks like it will come out after our baby is born.

Anon - No, this actually doesn't taste like bananas at all! The bananas add sweetness, a little thickness, and a frosty yumminess. :)

This is my daughter's favorite flavor! Can't wait to try it!

Looks yummy! But doesn't this taste like bananas more than oranges?

Looks great. I just got a Vitamix so I can't wait to experiment with it. When is your new book coming out. Can't wait for that either!

Yum, I live in Seattle and I love Thrive! Haven't had this one yet so thanks for the recipe. :)

Great timing! Marlee has an ear infection and even though she generally doesn't have much dairy I am cutting it out completely right now. She loves your avocado fudgsicles. This will be a nice easy treat for her

It looks delicious! I will be trying that this week for sure! Thanks for sharing :)

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