Cranberry-Pear Sauce (refined sugar-free)

This year's cranberry sauce recipe uses ripe pears to sweeten up the tart and tangy cranberries. I've added a smidgen of coconut sugar to help balance the flavors. Coconut sugar is a low glycemic sweetener. This recipe can be made days ahead of Thanksgiving day and served cold or warm. Serve cranberry sauce with a whole roasted turkey, roasted root vegetables, and pumpkin pie!
If you are gluten intolerant be sure that the coconut sugar you are using is gluten-free. Anything that is dry or granulated like sugar, flours, cornmeal, polenta, etc. can be processed in a facility where wheat or gluten products are processed. I use coconut sugar from Big Tree Farms, which is sold under the brand, Sweet Tree. Our wonderful local food co-op also stocks coconut sugar in the bulk section but it is NOT gluten-free. It comes from Glory Bee Foods. I called them and none of their products are anywhere near gluten-free, so beware. Our other health food store in town, Terra Organica, sells gluten-free coconut sugar in bulk. My friend Melissa from Gluten-Free For Good made a comment in the post we recently did on gluten cross-contamination pointing out that some coconut sugar brands are contaminated with gluten. Other than the one I mentioned above, I have not seen any sold around here. If you know of one, please leave a comment to help each other out.

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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How many servings does this make? (Trying to figure out nutritional counts.)
This turned out great! I added about 1/4 C honey towards the end to make just a little sweeter but that may have only been needed because I didn't have quite enough oranges and used a Meyers lemon along with the oranges. Great recipe!
I just made this, my first ever cranberry easy & super yummy! I only had one pear so I added an apple, powdered ginger (instead of allspice) and pomegranate paste. I love that your recipes are so adaptable.
Thank you so much! Have a wonderful and healthy Thanksgiving.
Thank you for this recipe. It was DELICIOUS. Pairing the sweet pears with cranberries is pure genius!
Thanks everyone! I have not tried this recipe using stevia, just added that as a thought that it could work...let me know how it turns out if you try it. To make this SCD friendly you could sub in 1/4 cup of honey for the coconut sugar. Enjoy! :)
Nice short ingredient list, I like this!
This looks great Ali! I'm going to link up to it on the T-Day Round-up on Go Dairy Free.
I am making this RIGHT NOW! We will also be enjoying it tomorrow morning on some french toast made with my favorite GF bread from your cook book. Thanks so much :)
If you are substituting Stevia for the coconut sugar is it the same amount?
Beautiful recipe, Ali! :-) Love the addition of pear and coconut sugar. Just pinned and shared all over. ;-) I have never bought coconut or palm sugar in bulk, but will be careful when using other bagged brands. Thanks.
I can't wait to make this! thank you :)
This looks yummy! I use coconut sugar called Coconut Secret distributed by Leslie's Organics. This is the only brand they carry at our co-op. It says gluten-free right on the front of the container. It also says "100% pure coconut tree sap, unbleached, unrefined, gmo-free, vegan, grown without chemicals, pesticides or herbicides." I have been very happy with it!
This looks really good -- and it has no sugar, yeah! Thanks for sharing this in time for Thanksgiving.
Great looking cranberry sauce. And adding pears is a perfect way to sweeten it up! I hope I didn't deter anyone from using coconut sugar because it's awesome stuff, it's just that my natural food store has a notification on the label saying it is processed on equipment that also processes wheat. I'm super sensitive so I'm very careful about contamination.
Thanks for another good post, Ali.
Happy Thanksgiving to a beautiful family!
Looks delicious! And thanks for the info on the gluten contamination in some coconut sugars. I had no idea! Off to check my coconut sugar RIGHT NOW.
I have been looking for a sugar free cranberry sauce this season!!! Pears are my fav winter fruit.....This really fits the bill--I use coco sugar sometimes, I would sub it out for stevia in this recipe....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!