Grain-Free Chocolate Walnut Brownies

Ali Segersten May 27, 2013 27 comments

I thought you might like a simple gluten-free brownie recipe to share with friends and family this holiday weekend. This recipe is unique in that it contains NO flour at all. Walnuts and raw cacao powder make up the bulk of the recipe! You can find these brownies in my Nourishing Meals cookbook along with many other healthy gluten-free and grain-free recipes.

Walnuts are a very rich source of vitamin E in the rare gamma-tocopherol form (most nuts and seeds contain vitamin E in the alpha-tocopherol form). This form of vitamin E has been found to be significantly protective against cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer! Walnuts are also very high in anti-cancer phytonutrients not found in other foods such as juglone and tellimagrandin. These phytonutrients act as antioxidants and also reduce inflammation throughout the body. Walnuts are also a rich source of copper, manganese, molybdenum, biotin, selenium, and magnesium. They even contain small amounts of melatonin! Enjoy this superfood recipe as an afternoon snack or nourishing dessert. 


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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These are so easy to make up and are very satisfying. Not too sweet.

Anything that can be substituted for walnuts? It's the ony nut I can't have :-)

Hi Laura,

Yes, you can try using raw pecans in place of the walnuts. :)

After spending 2hrs searching for a gluten free brownie recipe that used no type of flour whether it be almond or tuff, I happened on your page. I'm making desserts for a retreat, and no one thinks about people with special dietary needs, so I'm making the gluten free, low sugar, low fat, and nut free desserts. I wanted a recipe that used honey as the sweetener, but these will do until I can get the modification down. This will pair nicely with the quinoa cookies I'm making.

These brownies were fantastic! Tasted like they were out of a box (which used to be great) but I no longer eat grains or diary! I used 1/4 cup syrup and 1/4 cup Just Like Sugar sweetener instead of 1/2 syrup and was great. Was looking to reduce the sugar content. Will make this again and again!

I am not GF but my husband is, and honestly I rarely enjoy anything GF. But everything from your blog is awesome, and these brownies are in my top 10. So good and super easy to make

Some thoughts:

This is an amazing recipe! Thank you for posting it.

Regarding eggs - Some have suggested flax. I have another suggestion: chia seeds. You will have to google it to find the "recipe" for how to use them as a substitute. I've used them in other recipes and it worked great.

Also, I used half maple syrup and half honey. Tasty! (It was to save money - honey is cheaper here).

For the poster who queried about stevia; look around on the interent to see if there are any stevia/brownie recipes. That might give you an idea if it can be done. But the recipe might not work right because you'll be missing the moisture from the sweeteners?

Maybe the equivalent in ripe bananas would give you moisture and sweetness? Or using soaked and pureed dates? Re-post if you try either of these and it works. Curious minds want to know...

Any way to make these with Stevia instead of maple syrup? I'm not able to use any other sweeteners right now and would love to make something like this!

I made this for Father's Day and it was amazing!

Update on the flax and water replacement. I just made them again, and used what I would call "1.5" eggs, instead of 2. Much better! Still a bit extra moist, but definitely a cake-like quality to them now.

I am always SO excited to try out your recipes, particularly your baking recipes. I really started baking GF and vegan with your first book. I've been rather sad lately that so many of your baking recipes have eggs in them now, in the new book and the blog. I'm happy for the grain-free folks who are getting great grain-free recipes with eggs in them, but I'm still sad! Can you keep us egg-free folks in mind too! Many thanks for all the yumminess and cooking wisdom.

I just made them with flax and water instead of eggs. They seemed ok; maybe not as cakey as if you used eggs, but tasted good. (They are kind of gooey.)

I just made these with my favorite egg substitute (ground flax and water), and they seemed to work. Kind of gooey, though, and I baked them an extra 15 minutes. Maybe this is because of not using eggs? But even if they weren't supposed to be gooey, they still tasted good!

I absolutely LOVE this cookbook!!! I haven't made any of the deserts yet but plan to try this one tomorrow. Nourshing Meals cookbook takes you from smoothies, salad dressings soups lunches dinners apps! It's to die for and my kids have enjoied everything I've made out of here! Everyone must check it out! I purchased it at my naturopaths office it was exactly what I was looking for!!!

I made these brownies after seeing the post. They are perfect- light, moist, not too sweet. Succulent with fresh berries and really decadent with whipped cream. I made them a second time a couple days later. I've emailed the recipe out to three different friends. Wow. Thanks Ali! You are always inspiring.

I just made these and am amazed! They are easier to make than "regular" brownies and taste, and feel so much better. Thanks!


Saw this recipe 2 weeks ago and have already made it twice! This time, I doubled it. Love this recipe - so easy and tastes just like a real brownie.

Made the six different recipes on your updated site for our feast this weekend. Family & friends loved it. Thank you for sharing Ali :D

My son has a serious nut allergy. Can pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, or something else be substituted for the nuts?

These brownies look awesome, Ali! I saw them in your video on cooking GMO free so I'm happy to see them here, too. Will definitely be making them and will also share on All Gluten-Free Desserts soon! :-)


Hi everyone! For those of you who asked about egg's highly unlikely that this recipe would work without eggs. Sorry!

Rachel- there are many people who have made this recipe before I posted it yesterday because it is in my book, Nourishing Meals. I mentioned this at the top of the post. I'm curious to hear how they came out with almond flour! :)

So, if the recipe just came out yesterday, how have you made them twice Deb? :)

I just made them right now but we didn't have walnuts so I made them with almond flour. I am waiting for them to cook in the oven. If the taste of the batter is any indication of what the finished brownie will taste like, we are in for a great dessert. I have whipped cream and homemade chocolate syrup to top them with.

Hi. I was also wondering if you could substitute something else for the eggs? Will be starting an elimination diet phase soon and am scared I won't be able to go without sweet things.

I made these twice and they are incredible - Really! I could eat the whole pan at one sitting - but depending on the chocolate I use they can be pretty potent and one night I had a hard time falling asleep! Thanks for the grain free recipe!

These look amazing! I am relatively new at making substitutions for an allergy protocol. Could you subtitute apple sauce for the eggs? Thank you for any help you can offer.

These look so amazing! Could you substitute applesauce for the eggs?
I'm relatively new at adjusting everything for an autoimmune issue.
Thank you for any help you can offer.

Can you make these without eggs? Thanks!

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