Jan 27, 2025

Red Antioxidant Smoothie Recipe

What is one way to decrease inflammation, improve gut health, upregulate detoxification, and increase insulin sensitivity? It is to consume more brightly colored fruits and vegetables daily! Sometimes the busyness of life prevents us from adding in the recommended number of servings of fresh fruits and vegetables we need each day. That's where smoothies come in. Adding everything to a high-powered blender makes it much easier to consume what you need in a delicious way! This red antioxidant smoothie is something I make several times per week. The smoothie contains raw red cabbage, several different types of low-glycemic frozen berries, avocado, citrus, and a red polyphenol powder to help boost the overall phytonutrient content.

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Apr 08, 2022

How Is Food Connected to Chronic Inflammation?

Today I am going to focus on how food sensitivities create a cascade of inflammation in the body and what you can do about it. The immune reaction to a virus or bacteria is the same response the body uses when reacting to a food. This is called a food hypersensitivity.

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Feb 27, 2022

Can Digestive Enzymes Help Heal My Gut?

What are digestive enzymes and how do they help improve gut health? Well, first of all, let's explain digestion. Digestion is simply the process in which our bodies break down food into smaller components that can be absorbed. You can't actually absorb protein, fat, and carbohydrates. These compounds must be broken down into their most basic forms so the body can absorb and utilize them. What happens when the process of digestion is compromised?

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Feb 06, 2022

Black Rice and Cucumber Salad

Black rice, also called purple rice or forbidden rice, is a relatively unknown superfood. It's packed with different compounds that promote gut health, reduce inflammation, and increase longevity. Black rice can be cooked on the stove the same way (and with the same water to rice ratios) that you would cook a pot of brown rice.

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Dec 29, 2015

How to Make Nourishing Beef Bone Broth

Bone broth is definitely all the rage these days, however, this food staple has been around for ages. Cooking the bones of animals along with a variety of vegetables creates a nourishing and extremely flavorful base from which you can create rich-tasting and satisfying soups and stews.

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Feb 07, 2014

Super Immune-Boosting Chicken Soup

Your grandmother was right…chicken soup is one of the best medicines when you are sick. In fact, you might want to consider gathering ingredients for homemade chicken soup before reaching for that over-the-counter cold medicine.

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Feb 13, 2012

How to Make Lacto-Fermented Vegetables

Lacto-fermented vegetables are cultured vegetables. You've probably heard of sauerkraut, kim chi, and sour dill pickles, right? These are all forms of lacto-fermentation. Many people use whey as a starter but it is not necessary as long as you use enough salt.

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Jul 03, 2009

Layered Blueberry Cashew Pudding Treats

Summer BBQ's, potato salad, layered jell-o salads, fireflies, and sparklers flashing through the humid July night sky....these are my 4th of July memories growing up in the Midwest.

Since layered jell-o salads just aren't in my cooking repertoire anymore I have devised something even more delicious...and good for you!

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