Podcast episode 3 May Tom RD
Feb 03, 2025

Episode 3: Supercharge Your Breakfast and Increase Your Energy Levels with May Tom, RD

In Episode 3 of the Restorative Nourishment Podcast I am speaking with May Tom, RD. May is a registered dietitian with an extensive training in functional medicine and is a certified Functional Medicine practitioner. May received her undergraduate degree in physiology and neuroscience from the University of California San Diego. She received her master's in public health from Loma Linda University along with her dietetics license. In this episode, we're talking about how to upgrade your metabolism and increase your energy with a supercharged breakfast so you can function your best and live your life's purpose.

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Jan 04, 2025

Start Your Day with a High-Protein and High-Fiber Meal

If you could make one dietary change to set yourself onto a new trajectory of health, it would be to consume a nutrient dense breakfast consisting of high-quality protein, fiber, and healthy fats. A nutrient-dense, high-protein and fiber-rich breakfast will help you curb cravings for foods you are working to stay away from, boost your metabolism, balance your blood sugar, help regulate your circadian rhythms, keep your mind sharp during the day, and increase satiety. Setting achievable goals that you can build upon sets you up for the most success as it gives your body and brain time to re-wire. Dietary change quite literally creates new biochemistry in your body that takes time to get used to. Creating this nutritional memory starts with removing processed foods from your diet. Too many changes at once can overwhelm the brain and nervous system, making the new diet or lifestyle modifications unrealistic to maintain.

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Homemade Hemp Milk
Jan 03, 2012

Homemade Hemp Milk

Making your own hemp milk is easier than buying it! Plus by making your own, you don't get any extra added ingredients, just pure creamy goodness. However, since there are no added flavorings, this milk tastes a lot like hemp seeds (as it should) so the flavor might be a tad stronger if you are accustomed to store-bought hemp milk.

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