Nov 20, 2024

Roasted Root Vegetables with Parsley Pesto (dairy-free)

Roasted root vegetables make the most quintessential side dish to a holiday meal, however, with the addition of a brightly flavored, antioxidant-rich parsley-basil pesto, the root vegetables are elevated to the next level! Celeriac (celery root), carrots, parsnips, and yellow potatoes form the base of this recipe. After they are cooked, the roasted vegetables are tossed with a flavorful dairy-free pesto. Did you know that by consuming flavonoid-rich herbs, such as parsley and basil, you help to regulate your blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and balance your immune system? Fresh herbs, such as parsley, are concentrated sources of powerful flavonoids. Flavonoids are a class of potent phytonutrients (phyto = plant).

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Dec 07, 2010

Curried Root Vegetables

Our pantry and refrigerator are brimming with root vegetables this time of year. What better way to enjoy them than with a savory curry sauce? This recipe is vegan though it could be modified to add chicken or beef if desired. Another option would be to add a few cups of cooked garbanzo beans. Mmmmm, yum!

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Dec 18, 2008

Snow Day Soup

Here in Bellingham, Washington the temperature has dropped and its snowing! In fact, the cold weather moved in last weekend and we had a little snow then and now its a beautiful winter wonderland!

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