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Jan 07, 2025

Eat a Whole Foods Diet for Longevity and Improved Quality of Life

Your body is composed of over 30 trillion cells, each of which is continually listening and responding to environmental signals. Your cells have antennas embedded in their cellular membranes. This is how your cells listen, relay messages to your DNA, and respond to your environment by activating biochemical processes. The food you eat carries information, which the antennas sense, and then tell your cells how to behave. You either turn on your anti-aging, disease-prevention, and anti-inflammatory pathways or you turn on your inflammatory, aging, and disease pathways with every bite of food.

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Jul 03, 2023

Grilled Chicken and Raspberry Salad with Cardamom-Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Today I am writing a post to share an incredible recipe with you (one of the most flavorful salad recipes I believe I have created thus far), and open up about some transformations in my life. Some of you have been part of this newsletter since I started it in 2004 and have watched as I have shared photos as our family grew and children went from babies to teenagers! In fact, my oldest daughter is now 21!

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Aug 31, 2022

Kohlrabi Detox Salad

A "detoxification diet" is actually something you can do everyday by incorporating certain foods into your diet. Think of it as an inclusion diet where the focus is to bring in a variety of detoxification-supporting foods each day. Kohlrabi is an excellent food to support detoxification! It is a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cabbage, radishes, and kale, and it's part of the Brassicaceae family of vegetables.

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Nov 20, 2008

Halibut and Potato Chowder

This morning we awoke to a hearty layer of frost on the ground. It was a beautiful sun-lit morning that beckoned me to go for a walk. As soon as Tom left to take the girls to school, I bundled the boys up in their fleece buntings and put them in the baby jogger.

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