How To Set Up Your Diet Profile
Create your custom diet.
Your diet profile tells the site to filter recipes based on what you can eat.
Select the diets and food allergens on the diet set-up page to create your unique diet combination. Then add any additional ingredients you don't tolerate. Nourishing Meals® will then only show you recipes that are safe for that specific combination of diets and food allergens.

How Do I Choose a Diet?
Start with the basics.
If you don't follow a specific diet or have not received a diet protocol from your health care practitioner and you are ready to make some positive dietary changes, choose a Clean Eating Diet or Mediterranean Diet to begin. These diets are foundational lifestyle "diets" that will set you on a life-long path of health. You can also scroll through the information on the Diets page to learn more about different diets and see which diet might be most beneficial to follow.
Try an Elimination Diet.
If you have certain health conditions that you would like to try to resolve with diet, then you may want to explore starting an Elimination Diet. A Basic Elimination Diet removes just a few food groups that most people react to, and a Full Elimination Diet removes additional food groups that many individuals may react to. Food groups are then slowly reintroduced over a period of time to see if your symptoms return.