How to Use the Meal Plans Feature

How do I create a Meal Plan?

  1. Find recipes you would like to save.
  2. Name your meal plan and choose Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Meal Prep to add the recipe.
  3. Use the "Meal Prep" tag for recipes you would like to make on a Meal Prep day. This may be a day where you batch cook a number of recipes to use throughout the week. You can also use this tag for recipes like a pot of basic beans that you need to have pre-cooked for another recipe. 
  4. Keep adding recipes.
  5. Click "Edit" to change the name of your meal plan, add days, and move recipes around to different days. Click save! 
  6. Click the "Schedule" link to add your meal plan to certain days on your calendar. 
  7. Create as many Meal Plans as you would like.
  8. Add Meal Plans from our site to your user profile. Click on any diet on the Diets page and the click on the Meal Plans tab to get started right away with a Meal Plan for your diet. 
  9. Click on the Meal Plans icon to view all of your saved Meal Plans. 

Learn to use our Meal Plans feature so you can create menus and save recipes.

Use Meal Plans In Different Ways

Weekly Staple Menu Plans

Use our Meal Plans feature for creating a plan of your favorite recipes that you would like to use over and over. If every Friday is Taco night, then use the Meal Plans feature to create a menu for Taco night with a set of recipes you would to cook each Friday night. This way you don't have to spend time finding the recipes each week. They are already saved in your Meal Plans.

Create a One Time Menu

Create a special Birthday Menu or Holiday Menu plan that you don't want to add to your weekly meal planning calendar. Your Meal Plan comes with a list of ingredients too so you can shop for exactly what you need. A one time menu is also helpful to create if you are cooking dinner for someone else, perhaps a new mom needing a few meals, or for a friend in a time of need. 

Create and Save a List of Favorites

Use Meal Plans to create a list of Favorites that you would like to save for future reference. 

Save a Diet Plan

The Meal Plans feature can also be used to create a diet plan for yourself that you would like to repeat again and again, such as a specific 5-day detox diet you like to do every few months.

Create Meal Plans for Clients

The Meal Plans feature can also be used to create custom meal plans for your clients or patients, as long as your client is a member then the meal plan can be copied and saved to another user profile by clicking on the "Copy" button at the top of all Meal Plans. Just share the link with another member. 

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