Apr 24, 2023

Banana-Flax Cereal for Cortisol Imbalances

Elevated cortisol levels can greatly affect the ability fall asleep and stay asleep. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It's a messenger that tells the body how to function. Cortisol is naturally highest beginning early in the morning, from around 6am to 8am.

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Jul 11, 2022

Sunbutter Chia Pudding

Chia pudding made with real food ingredients is a powerhouse of nutrients—especially important for growing, active children! This nut- and dairy-free pudding recipe is rich in polyphenols, protein, healthy fats, fiber, complex carbohydrates, calcium, and magnesium. In fact, one serving contains over 13 grams of protein, 29 grams of healthy fats, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 10 grams of fiber, and over 230mg of calcium! Chia seeds also have a high antioxidant activity due to their high levels of various polyphenols. Not only can this lower inflammation throughout the body by reducing free radicals, but polyphenols also act as pre-biotics in the gut, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria!

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May 16, 2014

Watermelon-Lime Slushies (sugar-free)

We've had a few hot days here lately in the pacific Northwest! My children and I created this super simple slushie recipe using fresh watermelon the other day. They wanted me to share the recipe with you so you could make it too!

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Chocolate-Hazelnut-Goji Berry Cookies (grain-free, gluten-free)
Apr 24, 2013

Chocolate-Hazelnut-Goji Berry Cookies (grain-free, gluten-free)

This healthy little cookie recipe came to me in a flash the other day....all written out in my mind. I knew I had to get busy in the kitchen and make them. They turned out great the first time! Living in the Pacific Northwest we have an ample supply of hazelnuts so I like to use every opportunity I get to incorporate them into my recipes.

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Creamy Almond Kale Smoothie
Oct 25, 2012

Creamy Almond Kale Smoothie

If there was one thing you could do right now to improve your health would you do it? Eating raw cruciferous vegetables daily might be our saving grace in this increasingly toxic world. Cruciferous vegetables will upregulate or "produce" the enzymes your body needs to eliminate environmental toxins and properly metabolize estrogen.

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Sugar-Free Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles
Jul 09, 2012

Watermelon Whole Fruit Popsicles

Cool down this summer with homemade fruit popsicles! You'll save money and reduce wasteful packaging by making your own. Plus, by adding in pieces of whole fruit, these healthy treats become quite beautiful and irresistible!

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Mar 23, 2012

Homemade Seaweed Snacks

Have you ever tried those salty seaweed snacks you buy at places like Trader Joe's? I know, they're addicting, we've tried them before and my children loved them! I won't buy them because they have so much packaging and because canola oil is listed as one of the ingredients (which is often genetically engineered).

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