Nov 20, 2024

Roasted Root Vegetables with Parsley Pesto (dairy-free)

Roasted root vegetables make the most quintessential side dish to a holiday meal, however, with the addition of a brightly flavored, antioxidant-rich parsley-basil pesto, the root vegetables are elevated to the next level! Celeriac (celery root), carrots, parsnips, and yellow potatoes form the base of this recipe. After they are cooked, the roasted vegetables are tossed with a flavorful dairy-free pesto. Did you know that by consuming flavonoid-rich herbs, such as parsley and basil, you help to regulate your blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and balance your immune system? Fresh herbs, such as parsley, are concentrated sources of powerful flavonoids. Flavonoids are a class of potent phytonutrients (phyto = plant).

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Dec 30, 2017

Tigernut Flour Apple Crisp (grain-free, nut-free, paleo, vegan)

I'm excited to be sharing this amazing apple crisp recipe with you today. It's made with prebiotic-rich tigernut flour, which is a healthy, grain-free, nut-free, gluten-free flour. Going on an elimination diet can be challenging sometimes, especially during the holidays and family gatherings where food plays such an integral role in the celebration. Having alternatives that are just as tasty as your old favorites can make it much easier to stick to your new diet.

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May 11, 2017

Carrot Cake Muffins (gluten-free, egg-free, nut-free, vegan)

Yay for gluten-free carrot cake muffins! I call these healthy little treats muffins, but once frosted they sure seem like cupcakes to me. They are packed full of carrot-goodness, as well as being very moist and light, even without the eggs. What a perfect treat for Mother's day or a Springtime gathering!

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Nov 23, 2016

Raw Cranberry Sauce ~ So Easy! (vegan, sugar-free)

If you are looking for an extremely easy and super nutritious cranberry sauce recipe, then I have just the thing! I've been making this raw cranberry sauce recipe for a few years and I've shared it on Instagram and Facebook, but never seem to get around to getting it up on my blog....until now!

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Sep 11, 2015

Homemade Sriracha Hot Sauce Recipe (sugar-free)

After a long blogging break, I'm back with an amazing hot sauce recipe for you to make and enjoy for many months. I grew a lot of hot peppers in my garden this year, in fact my garden has been extremely bountiful this year! Up until recently, I've sort of taken my garden for granted.

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