May 09, 2009

Simple Baked Fish and Local Veggies

The phrase "Be a Yocal, Buy Local" still rings in my head from my Bozeman, Montana days. Yes I used to live there and loved it! The co-op there had stickers with the above phrase that I had plastered on my Nalgene water bottle. (No, I do not use a Nalgene bottle anymore....stainless steel for us now!).

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Apr 24, 2009

Rice and Garbanzo Bean Salad with Kale

Today I have a very simple grain and bean salad recipe for you. Something you can easily whip up if you have leftover grains and beans. My children love this salad. Today I made it for Tom and packed it up for him to take on a two day trip to Seattle.

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Mar 16, 2009

Bean and Rice Breakfast Bowls

I have had numerous requests for more breakfast ideas that don't involve eggs or soy, and of course without gluten or dairy. Here is a tremendously simple idea for you to take into your kitchen.
Beans and rice. With a Spicy Avocado Sauce recipe.

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Quick Quinoa Breakfast with Warm Cinnamon Apples
Feb 20, 2009

Quick Quinoa Breakfast with Warm Cinnamon Apples

When I was younger my parents made a well-rounded breakfast nearly every morning. Back then this consisted of scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit, or pancakes, sausages, and fresh fruit. French toast with maple syrup was a regular favorite too. Maybe even waffles made in a Mickey Mouse waffle iron. Remember those?

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Feb 16, 2009

Nori Rolls with Sticky Brown Rice

Nori rolls have long been a favorite in our household, offering a nourishing and satisfying option for meals and snacks alike. They were a staple throughout my pregnancies—even during the 17 weeks of intense nausea I experienced while carrying twins, I could still enjoy them!

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Gluten-Free Wild Rice Stuffing
Nov 25, 2008

Wild Rice Stuffing

The past few years I have made a delicious, savory, gluten-free wild rice stuffing for the big Thanksgiving Day turkey. We always use half of it to stuff the turkey, while the other half gets baked in a casserole dish. I have not had a recipe for this until today; I usually just toss it all together until it tastes just right.

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