Our New Cookbook: Nourishing Meals

Hello dear readers! We are excited to finally announce the details of our new cookbook, Nourishing Meals: Healthy Gluten-Free Recipes for the Whole Family. It has been years in the making and we much appreciate all of your emails, comments, and suggestions as it helped shape the book. The book is due out at the end of August, 2012. You can now pre-order it from our website and get a FREE e-book containing 16 of our favorite recipes from the book (more details at the bottom of this post).
The purpose of this book is to help you transition into a gluten-free lifestyle and also provide the tools you need to make informed dietary choices.
The book consists of vegan, vegetarian, meat-based, grain-based, grain-free, nut-free, nut-based recipes...pretty much the whole spectrum of eating....
......because there is no one way of eating, nor one perfect diet, for everyone.
Additionally, speckled throughout the recipes, you will find detailed nutrition tips to help you understand exactly why certain foods are beneficial for health!
Here are some of the Recipes:
Apple Cider Baked Beans, Spicy Lentils and Rice in Cabbage Leaves, Raw Burritos with a Spicy Mole Sauce, Grain-Free Chicken Nuggets, Apricot Glazed Chicken, Tandoori Salmon, Sloppy Joes, Grain-Free Zucchini Lasagna with Pine Nut Ricotta, Sweet Potato Falafels, Quinoa Tabouli, Coconut Brown Rice, Spicy Coconut Quinoa Amaranth Casserole, Dairy-Free Fettuccini Alfredo, Chicken and Chard Chili, Hot and Sour Soup, Moroccan Lentil and Cabbage Soup, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Raw Breakfast Tacos, Baby Green Smoothie, Blueberry Cherry Smoothie, Kale and Egg Scramble, Winter Vegetable Hash, Coconut Banana Breakfast Cake, Overnight Quinoa Hot Cakes, Sourdough Buckwheat Crepes, Homemade Gluten-Free Tortillas, Grain-Free Coconut Flour Biscuits, Yeast-Free Seed Bread, Sourdough Teff Bread, Everyday Sandwich Bread, Burger Buns, Kale Apple Walnut Salad, Picnic Coleslaw, Pecan Crusted Chicken and Apple Salad, Smoked Salmon Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing, Kale Chips, Creamed Kale, Rutabaga Fries, Roasted Cauliflower, Berry Parfaits with Orange Cashew Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Vegan Maple Pecan Pie, Grain-Free Vegan Chocolate Sunbutter Cookies, Grain-Free Carrot Spice Cupcakes with Coconut Buttercream Frosting, Oat-Free Fruit Crisps, Frozen Banana Coconut Cream Pie, Homemade Coconut Kefir, Cashew Sour Cream, Lacto-Fermented Dilly Radishes, Vanilla Plum Butter, Kale-Herb Seaweed Sprinkle....and so much more!
Here is the Chapter Outline:
Part 1: Foundations of Health
1. Why Whole Foods?
2. Why Gluten-Free?
3. Why the Rise in Food Allergies and Sensitivities?
Part 2: Raising Healthy Children
4. 7 Ways to Help your Child THRIVE!
5. Nourishing your Growing Child
6. Packing a Healthy School Lunch
Part 3: The Recipes
7. Getting Started
8. Smoothies
9. Breakfast
10. Breads and Muffins
11. Soups and Stews
12. Salads and Vegetables
13. Whole Grains and Noodles
14. Main Meals
15. Dressings, Dips, and Sauces
16. Wraps and Rolls
17. Snacks and Treats
18. Desserts
19. Beverages
20. Preserving the Harvest
Part 4: Appendix
21. Resources and Recommendations
22. References
We bet by now you are really wishing you had a copy in your hands!
You can pre-order the book from our website and when you do we are offering a FREE e-book containing 16 of our favorite recipes, with full color photos of each recipe, so you don't have to wait until August to get a taste of what Nourishing Meals offers (okay, they are all our favorites, but we think you'll like these!). If you don't care for the e-book, you can also pre-order the book from amazon.com.
Here are the recipes you'll get in the e-book:
1. Blueberry Cherry (Chia) Smoothie (vegan)
2. Basil Zucchini Frittata
3. Gluten-Free "Wheat Bread" (vegan)
4. Yeast-Free, Gluten-free Pita Bread (vegan)
5. Apple Almond Muffins (vegan)
6. Creamy Tomato Asparagus Soup (dairy-free)
7. Spicy Greens Salad with Blueberry Vinaigrette (vegan)
8. Cucumber Arame Salad (vegan)
9. Picnic Coleslaw (vegan)
10. Dilled Quinoa and Pea Salad (vegan)
11. Apple Cider Baked Beans (vegan)
12. Grain-Free Chicken Nuggets (egg-free and dairy-free)
13. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (vegan)
14. Ginger Macadamia Nut Energy Bars (vegan)
15. Apricot Almond Snack Cake (grain-free, dairy-free, no sweeteners)
16. Chili-Garlic Fermented Green Beans (dairy-free - no whey needed)
It is our hope that this book will support your family in health for years to come!
Happy Cooking and Healthy Eating!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
Email updates.
Add Comment
Hi Ali, I am so excited for your new book. Thank you so much for sharing your cooking talents and resources! I received the e-book and had a question on the instructions for the "Wheat" bread. The text says to add 3 cups Teff Flour, but the recipe only calls for 1.5 (plus the 2 cups Sorghum). I'm assuming I should just add 3 cups of this combo and then mix in the extra as needed? Thanks again for your hard work!
Hello Ali and Tom,
My husband and I have your first cookbook and we did your elimination diet, which cured his knee pain (Thank you!). However, there are some remaining health issues. I have searched your site and cannot find any information on the GAPS diet. Can you please comment on your opinion of this approach to heal hay fever, bipolar, and food allergies/sensitivities themselves?
Thank you kindly.
I'm very interested in your new cookbook, although unfortunately some of the people in our household can't do nuts or raw food. What percentage of the recipes in your new book would you say contain either of those elements?
I absolutely MUST have this wonderful recipe book! Would love to get my hands on your other recipe book, as well.
I have served our family of 7 several of your recipes already... all big hits!
Crazy--I was just coming here after weeks without checking to see if there might be any info on your new book-YAY! So excited to see that it will be out soon!! Will definitely be pre-ordering.
I'm super keen to order a copy of your new book, but it seems you only ship to the US and Canada, is this right? I live in Germany, and would love to get my hands on a copy!
I'm excited to get your new book. I know that you are both young and raising a young family, hence, your book is geared toward helping children eat better. I'm wondering if you've considered providing information relevent to those of us who are older, peri- or post-menopausal.
Any chance this one has some pictures in it?
Are all of the E-book recipes included in the actual book?
Excited for August!
I am very very very excited about this book! Going to pre-order when I get home from work. I love your emphasis on a whole-foods diet and also how to get kids to eat healthily and enjoy it. I get the sense that your children choose the healthier option even when presented with frankenfoods from the outside world. That is what I wonder about - raising my (future) children to eat well and then having them run out into the world and binge on doughnuts and milkshakes!
Your first cookbook is my main book and I've been eagerly awaiting the second, woohoo! I can't wait to tell all of my friends. Thank you!
Will it be available on Kindle?
Congratulations, what a wonderful achievement. I look forward to getting a copy.
Peace and Raw Health,
Congrats! I have your first cookbook and am bringing it to my gluten-free client retreat for people to peruse. Thanks for another awesome resource.
Congrats, you guys! Your fist book has always been one of my and my support group's very favorites because it's so much more than a cookbook, so we'll all be thrilled to receive this one! I can't wait to see my preview e-book in a minute. That's such a great idea! You must feel so proud to complete a book that's such an amazing wealth of info and recipes. :-)
Very exciting! I'm happy to see you have included grain-free recipes as well since some of us try to limit those.
Congratulations on what is sure to be another successful cookbook!
I can't wait to get your book...I am not that far from you in Seattle and I like to support anything local...books included!!!
Thank you Ali & Tom! For Sure sign me up for your new cookbook. I'm sure I'll treasure it just as much as your first. We are so fortunate to have you in our community.
Wonderful! Can't wait to add your second book to my gluten free library.
Hurray! Like everyone else, I can't wait to get my hands on the new cookbook! I know it's going to be amazing. Congratulations Ali!
Yippee!!! I, too, have used and loved your first cookbook - it has made all the difference with the change from "conventional" eating to cleaner, clearer food for us. Congratulations on your accomplishment!
Thrilled! Absolutely thrilled! Major WOOHOO! Congratulations on the birth of this newest "baby"! :) Can't wait to get my own copy!
Bless you guys for compiling this! <3 ,<3 I devoured your first cookbook (after seeing it in the Thorne Mediclear pamphlet) & can't wait to dig into this one. p.s. It was fun to recognize Tom as he interviewed Frances Moore Lappe at the Seeds of Doubt conference!
This looks fabulous! I posted it on my Facebook page and pinterest for fertility. Especially since you mentioned you included some recipes for pre-conception. Thanks Ali and Tom for your hard work.
Congratulations, Tom and Ali! And sign me up! I love your original cookbook and use it all the time, and I'm excited that your new one is arriving. Your recipes and photos are wonderful and inspiring. You two know your stuff, you work hard at all this, and it shows.
I have just read through the ebook and now I am even more excited to get the book in a couple months! Every recipe has a beautiful colour photo. Thank you for providing an ebook to whet our appetites.
I love your first book and look forward to this one. I, too, would like to know how many recipes are vegan/vegetarian. It sounds like the book will explain why gluten is bad for us but is it bad for everyone? In any case, I can't wait for the book. I am sure it is wonderful!
Congratulations Ali! So many amazing recipes!!
I say.. YESSSSSSS!!! I join that other blogger in the dance! I m tapping my way around!!
Congratulations, Ali! I have been waiting for this book for as long as you have been writing it. I am so excited that it is almost here. Your new recipes sound wonderful! Count me in for a preorder.
Hooray! Congratulations on another huge accomplishment. My copy of your first book is so well used and loved, and I know this new one will be too...can't wait to read it. :)
Hooray! (With a happy dance)
Can't wait!! I just love you first cookbook, it really helped me when I first made the transition into gluten free-dairy free/egg free/ cooking!
How many non-vegetarian receipes are included in your new cookbook?
Hurrah, and congratulations!! :D I know this must have taken a ton of work, and I hope your loyal community supports you with lots of orders!
Question for you: can you give an estimate of approximately how much of the book would fall into the vegan/vegetarian range?
Many thanks, and can't wait to get my copy!