The NEW Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook

Ali Segersten Feb 04, 2014 11 comments

The brand new, completely revised edition of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook is available for preorder now! I'm so excited to share beautiful photos from the new book and answer the many questions we've been receiving about it. If you've been following me on Facebook and Instagram you've likely seen updates about the new book. Our publisher, Grand Central Life & Style, did a beautiful job with the layout and design. 

This book is the guidebook for learning how to stock and prepare whole foods…and how to be the healthiest YOU!

We will guide you through the process of stocking whole foods, from the healthiest meats and seafood to the best types of fats and oils…and even the healthiest forms of chocolate! You'll learn tips for switching your diet to a healthy unprocessed one, as well as detailed information on the benefits of each whole food group {Greens, Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, Legumes, Nuts and Seeds, Meats & Seafood, Dairy Foods, Sea Vegetables, and Fats}

There are over 450 pages of recipes and information!



The Table of Contents! 


Part I. Whole Life Nutrition

Chapter 1: The Whole Diet Story
Chapter 2: The Whole Food Sensitivity Story
Chapter 3: Digestive Health
Chapter 4: The Whole Toxicity Story
Chapter 5: Organics, Your Health, and the Planet
Part II. Eating, Preparing, and Stocking Whole Foods
Chapter 6: The Basics of a Whole Foods Diet
Chapter 7: Making the Change
Chapter 8: Stocking Your Whole Foods Pantry
Chapter 9: Essential Cooking Equipment
Chapter 10: Definition of Cooking Techniques
Part III. The Recipes
Chapter 11: Get Cultured!
Chapter 12: Smoothies
Chapter 13: Breakfast
Chapter 14: Fresh Breads and Muffins
Chapter 15: Soups
Chapter 16: Fresh Salads and Vegetables
Chapter 17: Whole Grains
Chapter 18: Vegetarian Main Dishes
Chapter 19: Fish, Poultry, and Meat
Chapter 20: Dressings, Dips, and Sauces
Chapter 21: Healthy Snacks
Chapter 22: Desserts
Chapter 23: Beverages 
The NEW chapters to this edition of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook include The Whole Diet Story, Digestive Health, The Whole Toxicity Story, Smoothies, and Get Cultured! With all of the confusion people have over what to eat today we broke down each popular diet from Raw Vegan to Paleo and talked about the benefits and drawbacks of each, all backed up with solid science. 
Excerpt from the book: "Everyone’s body is different. Digestion and immune functions can be compromised by what we eat and how we live. Food sensitivities—to gluten, dairy, corn, and soy—are a reality for many. As a result, some people thrive on one diet while others don’t. Your goal should not be to try the hot new lifestyle trend, but to find a way of eating that is best for you."


The chapter on Digestive Health is so fascinating!

First we ask you some questions to determine if you have a healthy digestive system and then we get into the process of digestion beginning with gastric acid and what happens when you don't have a sufficient amount to break down your food. You'll learn all about your gut bacteria and their crucial role to your health! 

Here's an excerpt from that chapter: "Symptoms of Altered Gut Microbiota~ Gut microbiota is a complex of microorganism species living in your digestive tract. In fact, the human body carries about 100 trillion microorganisms in its intestines!…….Having an imbalanced inner ecosystem of bacteria leads the immune system to be in a constant state of alert and alarm. This creates a ripe environment for diseases such as irritable bowel, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, food and airborne allergies, autism, celiac disease, eczema, and autoimmune disorders." 

This chapter will show ways in which the digestive system can get damaged…and ways in which to nourish it! Hint: eat plenty of fermented foods (pictured below).

Pictured above are a few recipes from the Get Cultured! chapter where you will learn to make all sorts of cultured and fermented recipes, including dairy-free yogurt, coconut water kefir, and kombucha. Here we have Garlic Kale Kraut, Cultured Vegetables, Live Hot Pepper Relish, and Gingered Carrot Daikon Radish Sticks



The Salad and Vegetable Chapter is packed full of simple recipes to nourish your body and your soul.

Pictured above is an Arugula Salad with White Nectarine Vinaigrette, Autumn Harvest Salad, Lemon Olive Oil Chickpea Salad, and Basil Feta Cranberry Bean Salad. I have so many easy recipes for homemade salad dressings that you will likely never want to go back to any type of store-bought dressing!



This book provides plenty of recipes and ideas for preparing healthy & sustainable forms of meat, poultry, and seafood.

Pictured above are recipes for Chicken Nuggets (nut-free and grain-free), Green Curry Lamb Stew, Indian Chicken Curry, and Mustard Tarragon Chicken.



You'll learn how to prepare whole grains, plus many delicious recipes that use them.

Pictured above are recipes for Lemon Millet Patties, Simple Breakfast Stir-Fry, and Quinoa Black Bean Salad. Also pictured is my Raw Collard Wrap Recipe with Pumpkin Seed Pate (not a grain recipe, but I couldn't find another photo to fit that slot!) :)



And, well, a cookbook wouldn't be complete without a chapter on desserts!

This book only uses healthy, whole, unprocessed ingredients to create luscious dessert and simple treat recipes! By wisely adding healthy recipes like the ones in this chapter, you'll find that your diet will be much more satisfying. Pictured above are my grain-free Vanilla Bean Cupcakes, dairy-free Cherry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, and vegan Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (made with sprouted brown rice flour and sweetened with dates). Pictured below is my new Zesty Lemon Tart recipe (grain-free and vegan).


How many new recipes does this edition contain?

Over 100! With a total of over 300 recipes!

What's different about this edition?

We've added 4 whole new chapters like I mentioned above (The Whole Diet Story, Digestive Health, The Whole Toxicity Story, Smoothies, and Get Cultured!), plus revised information in the other chapters to make sure all of the science was completely up-to-date.

How similar is this book to your Nourishing Meals cookbook?

They are two completely different books. Each has its own recipes, there are no crossovers. Both books are gluten-free and offer healthy whole foods recipes, but that's as similar as it gets. You'll probably want to have both books if you enjoy my recipes. 

Will this book be available on Kindle?

Yes, you can go to to preorder it now.

Will this edition have photos?

Yes, this blog post contains some of the photos that are in the book. There is not a photo for every recipe though….there are over 300 recipes, so 300 photos just wasn't feasible. 

Where can I buy it?

It will be available at all major book retailers, including, Barnes and Noble, and Powell's Books. You will also be able to find it at independent retailers. If you preorder now through you will be guaranteed the lowest preorder price! So If you ordered it when it was $20 but at some point the price drops to $13 during the time before the release date, you will be charged $13 when it ships. Fun huh! Go to our book's page on Amazon to check out the preorder price. Last time I checked it was 42% off the list price! 

When does the book come out? 

The release date is scheduled for April 29th, 2014.

Is the book Gluten-Free?

Yes, the entire book is gluten-free with many grain-free recipes. The book includes optional dairy in a few recipes. There are also a few recipes with eggs and soy (tempeh, miso, and tofu).

Do the recipes contain xanthan or guar gums?

No, all of the recipes are free of gums. Instead I have used chia seeds or just created the recipes to not need any binders. 

I'm Vegan, are there enough recipes to suit my needs?

Yes, we focus on eating a plant-rich diet with the addition of healthy & sustainable sources of meat, poultry, and seafood. There are many vegan recipes in this book including recipes for main dishes, breakfasts, baked goods, and desserts. 

Pictured below are recipes for Raw Almond Milk, Hearty Grain-Free Seed Bread (yeast-free, nut-free), Pumpkin Goji Berry Muffins (grain and nut-free), and Green Omelets with Smoked Salmon

We know that the old edition has been a kitchen bible for many and we wanted to continue that tradition with the new, revised Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook!

I tested and retested recipes and we added fascinating health information so you can have the most delicious, soul-satisfying recipes and be able to make the most informed decisions about what to eat and why! We hope you enjoy this book as much as we do!


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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Add Comment


there is a lot of information regarding
nutrition in this book. loved it

Hello! The green curry lamb stew recipe doesn't have any turmeric or curry listed as an ingredient. Is this an error? If so, how much and where and when to add please?

I can't wait for the new book. My first WLN book is just wrecked. The came unglued long ago and I've cooked so many recipes from it that it looks as if it belonged to my great-great-great-grandmother. We graduated to the second book and I don't think I've opened the first one (since I think I have most of the recipes memorized at this point and we've mostly stopped using grains that aren't soaked, when we use them at all). Is there overlap between the first book and the third?

Anon~ The new Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and the Nourishing Meals book are two different books with different recipes. There is no overlap. :)

Is there a lot of overlap between your Nourishing Meals cookbook and this new book? I love the Nourishing Meals book and would love your new book too if there are not too many duplicated recipes and information.

Can't wait! So excited! Thank you!

I'm so excited! Does it contain a kneadable bread recipe for baking gluten-free bread at home with children? I want them to have the kneading experience but I cannot tolerate gluten.

Will the new book detail the detox/cleanse you have been working on? I can't wait!

Congratulations guys! It looks like it's a beautiful book. I can't wait to check out the new chapters, recipes, info, and pictures!

This new book of yours looks amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Our family is expanding (yeah, grandchildren) and I've given your previous books to everyone in my family. You guys are the best! Congratulations and keep up the good work. It's much appreciated!
Onward in good health!

My now "old" book has fallen completely apart because we use it every single day....that in itself would be reason to order this new one! I can't wait to see all the new info and recipes! This is SO awesome! Thank you all so much for all the time you must have spent on a project like this. You make this lifestyle so much easier to handle, and healing has been abundant in our home over the last few years.
Blessings to you guys,

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