Episode 1: Welcome to the Restorative Nourishment Podcast

Welcome to the first episode of the Restorative Nourishment Podcast! If you're a Nourishing Meals® member, you know that we have over 70 different diets and food allergens to help you create your own unique dietary profile, however, diets can be limiting. Therefore, the purpose of this podcast is to help you go beyond the constraints of a diet and help you tune into this innate wisdom you have to choose the foods that are right for you in each and every moment. We all have this innate ability to tune into this inner wisdom of our bodies and consume a diet that keeps us healthy, balanced and whole.
The issue is that our programming, or the foods that become addictions or unhealthy habits along with the composition of yeasts and bacteria in the gut, often do the talking for us when we are out of balance.
However, when we are in balance, we will always gravitate towards the foods that will bring us the most nourishment and replete missing nutrients. In fact, research demonstrates that domesticated animals that are deficient in certain nutrients will gravitate towards specific feed that is high in the nutrient they are deficient in. Isn't that amazing?
We have this ability too, we just have to get rid of the clutter. So restoring nourishment is all about removing that clutter in your system that keeps you stuck in old habits.
Watch or listen to Episode 1:
Dictionary definitions of Restorative + Nourishment:
RESTORATIVE: having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being
NOURISHMENT: the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition
Diet and nutrition are absolutely foundational for restoring balance to the body so healing can take place, but it's often confusing to learn where to begin and what diet is best for you. Part of this podcast is going to help to unravel these diet mysteries and help you continuously choose the foods and the diet that is right for you in each and every moment.
Additionally, without strong digestion, a healthy balanced gut microbiome (these are the trillions of bacteria and different microbes that inhabit your gut), the removal of the foods your system is launching a reaction to—like gluten, dairy, corn, or soy (what your immune system is perceiving as a threat and creating inflammation in your body), without supporting your detox pathways, adding in missing nutrients, deep sleep, grounding and connection to the earth, as well as healthy relationships, healing can often become very challenging and often impaired.
We are going to explore all of these topics with different health experts in future podcasts; everything from hormonal imbalances, to gut health, to learning how to build a healthy, sustainable breakfast that's going keep your blood sugar balanced for the day, to different detox methods, to meal planning solutions, and everything in between.
My hope is that this podcast is going to help your healing journey and hone in on the diet and specific foods and lifestyle practices that you may need to incorporate into your life to get past the challenges or the health blocks you're experiencing.
Again, this podcast today is simply a brief overview of what's to come in the future. For more information, visit our 12 Gifts of Health Page.

About the Author
Ali Segersten
Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
Email updates.
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I accidently deleted episode 2. Please send again.
Hi Valarie,
You can find Episode 2 here: https://nourishingmeals.com/2025/01/episode-2-heal-your-hormones-robin-nielsen
Thank you Ali for all that you are contributing to the health & wellness arena through balanced diet and nutrition. My naturopathic Dr., recommended I sign up for your nourishing meals, which I have and also bought your cookbook too. :) Listening to this podcast will help give me that push I need to put all of what you offer into practice! I look forward to the next podcast! Thank you 😊
Hi Beth,
Thank you for the comment. I hope you enjoy all of the future podcasts. Happy cooking! 😊🥦🥑