Jun 03, 2009

Ideas for Gluten-Free Breading

I have been asked a number of times for ideas to bread chicken breasts, fish, and vegetables - gluten-free.

Tonight I thought I would offer some ideas on this topic, some of my own and some gleaned from my fellow foodies.

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Apr 24, 2009

Rice and Garbanzo Bean Salad with Kale

Today I have a very simple grain and bean salad recipe for you. Something you can easily whip up if you have leftover grains and beans. My children love this salad. Today I made it for Tom and packed it up for him to take on a two day trip to Seattle.

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Apr 16, 2009

Curried Carrot Cauliflower Soup

I created this soup today for lunch basically out of a craving for something healing and nourishing, while being warming and spicy all at the same time.

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Chicken Stew
Mar 19, 2009

Easy Gluten-Free Chicken Stew

Although life seems to have eased up a bit now that our twin babies will be 15 months old tomorrow, the pace has begun to ramp up. Most days I feel like I am herding cats! For example, the other day I was out for a morning walk with the boys while the girls were in school.

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Mar 16, 2009

Bean and Rice Breakfast Bowls

I have had numerous requests for more breakfast ideas that don't involve eggs or soy, and of course without gluten or dairy. Here is a tremendously simple idea for you to take into your kitchen.
Beans and rice. With a Spicy Avocado Sauce recipe.

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Quick Quinoa Breakfast with Warm Cinnamon Apples
Feb 20, 2009

Quick Quinoa Breakfast with Warm Cinnamon Apples

When I was younger my parents made a well-rounded breakfast nearly every morning. Back then this consisted of scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit, or pancakes, sausages, and fresh fruit. French toast with maple syrup was a regular favorite too. Maybe even waffles made in a Mickey Mouse waffle iron. Remember those?

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Jan 13, 2009

Lentil Soup in a Hurry!

In between nursing the babies, changing diapers, reading stories to the girls, and building block towers with the babies I still need to make a meal, right? Or shall I say three meals a day, every day.

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