Episode 2: Heal Your Hormones with Robin Nielsen

Ali Segersten Jan 24, 2025
episode 2 robin nielsen

Today I have my dear friend and colleague, Robin Nielsen, joining us for episode 2 to talk about women's health and hormone health. Robin is a women's health and hormone expert, helping women to become the CEO of their own health so they can feel more vibrant, confident, and sexy. She is the founder and CEO of Natural Hormone Solution and has supported over 100,000 women in her online conferences and private programs to take charge of their health. 

So many imbalances in our health stem from an imbalance in hormone levels. There are root causes to hormone imbalances, and Robin explains these top 10 hormone deal breakers in this podcast. 

We are often led to believe that our estrogen, progesterone, testosterone levels, maybe even LH and FSH levels, are the most important to pay attention to. What happens when we pay attention to those hormones? Those are the hormones that are tested.

Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are our minor hormones. However, the hormones that we really need to be paying attention to are not the minor hormones, but the major hormones. You you can't run from the tiger and be all stressed out and make babies. You're either in digestion and reproduction mode, or you're in fight or flight mode.

The major hormones are cortisol and insulin. Cortisol is our daytime hormone, but it's also our fight or flight hormone. Cortisol and adrenaline increase when you're busy or when you're all stressed out, which for most of us is all the time. When cortisol, our stress hormone, is elevated it can contribute to imbalances in insulin signaling and sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that our pancreas makes to get sugar from our bloodstream into our cells so that we can run from the tiger. But we're no longer running from the tiger, right? 

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The top 10 things that take out our hormones are the things that imbalance cortisol and insulin and cause us not to make our sex hormones. We need cortisol. We need it in a rhythm. It's supposed to be at somewhat of a low point when you wake up in the morning, but within a short time it's supposed to spike. This is called the cortisol awakening response, and when it is in balance, you should have great energy for the day. As the afternoon comes, your cortisol starts to wane so that three hours before dark, melatonin starts to come up. There's this whole synergy and symphony between those two hormones, and it's really important to know that if one hormone is out of balance, they're all out of balance. So they have to start compensating for each other. Therefore, we want to be able to identify what is taking our cortisol and insulin out.

Top 10 Hormone Deal Breakers:

  1. Poor diet
  2. Nutrient deficiencies
  3. Not enough deep, restorative sleep
  4. Toxic overload from both internal and external toxins
  5. The wrong type and duration of exercise for you
  6. Chronic infections
  7. Poor adrenal or thyroid function
  8. Compromised liver function
  9. Poor digestion
  10. Insulin resistance

It's really the diet, the lifestyle, and the nutrients. Those are the top three things that can really shift our health and epigenetics. If you would like to dive deeper into hormone balancing, then you might consider joining Robin's 5-Day Hormone Reset Program beginning January 28th, 2025

She’ll show you how to reset these SIX hormones so you feel more vibrant, confident, and sexy no matter what your age. Learn to balance your progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones so you feel so much better. Robin’s Hormone Reset is a whole metabolism reset.


About the Author

Ali Segersten

Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.

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