Grated Beet & Carrot Salad with Radish-Miso Dressing

This Asian inspired salad dressing is vinegar-free and citrus-free; two ingredients that are often hard to omit from salad dressings. I received and email from a reader asking for Elimination diet recipes that don't contain any fruit.
Finally, I had the idea to use radishes! This fabulous salad dressing also contains Adzuki Bean Miso, a soy-free and gluten-free miso available from the South River Miso Company. I demonstrated this dressing and salad yesterday evening for an Elimination Diet Class I taught at one of our local co-ops. It was a hit and I am sure you will enjoy it too.
For those of you on the Elimination Diet, how are you feeling? We have received so many emails in the last week regarding this diet I am finding it hard to keep up with! Instead of replying to you individually (since there are many similar questions) I thought I would answer one in each of my next few posts.
A few of you have asked us about protein, specifically animal protein. Some of you have asked if it is possible to up the animal protein content during the beginning of the diet. If you experience blood sugar dysregulation or are pre-diabetic, then following the 2-day detox might be difficult and could pose more problems. We suggest you add in wild caught salmon, healthy fats (like avocado, coconut butter/oil, chia seeds) and crunchy raw salads like this one. These foods pose the least possible reaction, while adding in anti-inflammatory compounds to assist in healing. I hope this will help some of you so you can have the best and most beneficial elimination diet experience!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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This salad dressing sounds great! I've been on a real salad kick lately and like to find new, original ideas. Thanks!
Your blog is fantastic... full of healthy and original recipes that just make you want to cook! Great job! I'll be following along :)
Okay, I'll admit that I was a bit skeptical about using radishes in salad dressing. Radishes *and* miso just sounded a little too different, so I didn't make it until I happened to notice that our market does carry South River Adzuki miso. In need of a new food for phase one, I decided to give it a go, and I am now addicted to it. I like it more than any other salad dressing I've ever made. The beet/carrot/greens/cilantro mix with it is just divine with a bit of cooked salmon. I love-love-love it. It's a good thing we've got lots of radishes growing! :-)
Ali, you and I are on the same page, seriously, everything you've been making lately is so similar to what I've been making in my own kitchen! The azuki yam hash ,this salad, wow, i think we are totally food connected... Looks great, as always - great dressing idea with the radishes. And I just cracked open a fresh jar of the miso today, and planned on making a salad dressing for my salad at dinner tonight. Weird, I tell you, weird. :)
Kim ||
This salad is really good. Love the dressing!
Anon - Eat regularly, even if it is just a green apple. It is totally normal to feel this way after a day of green smoothies. There is a very broad range of feelings with this diet; some feel fantastic the first week and some feel awful. :)
Katie - Penzey's spices are gluten-free (but unfortunately not organic). I buy some in glass jars and others in larger quantities which I use to refill my my old jars. :)
Since I am very sensitive to gluten, I am concerned about cross contamination with spices. Can you tell me a brand of spices that is certainly gluten free? Thank you!
ok...i'm on day 3 and am feeling woozy: very ditzy, tired and worn. i haven't tried the salmon yet and am hoping that phase 1 foods will help boost me up. anyone else out there feeling the same? any suggestions?
Thanks gals!
If you live in the Whatcom county/Bellingham area then you can find this miso at Terra Organica in the Public Market on Cornwall street. I am not sure where else to find it. South River's chickpea miso might work as a replacement.
Happy cooking! -Ali :)
Hi there, I just went to the south river site to order the miso but they are out of stock. Do you know of another place to purchase this product? Thanks in advance.
I was at the class Monday night and can whole-heartedly agree that this salad was amazing! I'm going to get some of the miso today. Thank you for sharing it!
Wow, looks so pretty. Wish I could get someone around here to eat like that.
Funny you should mention protein, Ali. I'm on Phase 1 & must've been needing some protein. A co-worker brought home-smoked wild salmon to work yesterday & I didn't hesitate--it was delicious!
You always have colorful, beautiful dishes, but they are seeming especially so with the elimination diet recipes. Love that! :-) Thanks for the info on the miso, too.