Super Antioxidant Smoothie

Ali Segersten Sep 16, 2009 20 comments

We've been drinking a lot of these yummy, dark purple smoothies lately. Since fresh fruit is in abundance right now, why not?

For those of you on the elimination diet, this drink is great during the two day green smoothie cleanse. Yes, I know, it's not green, but it still works, especially if you are feeling bored with the color green and need a change of pace. It does actually have a little spinach in it so we could technically call it a green smoothie!

The beautiful purple color in this smoothie comes from Anthocyanins (from Greek: anthos = flower + kyanos = blue). Anthocyanins are plant chemicals that act as powerful antioxidants, in fact, they are over 40 times more potent that vitamins A and C!


Fruits and vegetables are the staff of life.

They contain signaling molecules that tell our genes how to operate. So if we are sitting on the couch all day eating potato chips and drinking soda, our genes respond in a way that sets the stage for disease. But if we are drinking purple (or green) smoothies, thinking wonderful thoughts, enjoying life, and eating whole grains, beans, and other amazing whole foods, our genes say hooray, let's be healthy and vibrant!


Our family has been enjoying the berry picking season here in the Pacific Northwest.

Our 1 1/2 year old twins are berry picking pros now! We recently spent some time in the mountains picking wild blueberries and huckleberries. The trip really isn't to pick a lot of berries...mountain berries are slow picking! It is more to enjoy the mountains and gorge on those amazing, antioxidant-rich wild berries (a health insurance plan of sorts).


I have been tossing a small handful of these little gems into our smoothies lately.

The girls also like to pack a small container in their lunches. I wouldn't dare cook with them, they are just too precious! Making smoothies with all of the fruit we have been picking is a great way to use up summer's harvest! We hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as we do! :)


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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My husband is allergic to raw apples, peaches, carrots, etc. I am going to try simmering and then cooling and using the fruit, including the cooking water, for just those few problem fruits. Not as good as raw I'm sure, but better than not at all.

I have sensitivities to most uncooked fruits... how do i do smoothies? :(

What is one serving size of the smoothies?

Yes - you can use stevia as needed in all phases. :)

Hi Ali,
Is Stevia allowed in phase 1 of the elimination diet?

This is a great smoothie. Thank you for sharing it on Friday Foodie Fix.

My husband is from northern Idaho, and we enjoy huckleberries when we go there. I have some in the freezer to enjoy here in Maryland. I was just telling my kids that berries have antioxidants.

you and the little ones melt my heart

The plums have been amazing this year! A friend just gave me about 4 lbs from a neighbor's tree and they are just divine! I also bought a few lbs of a few different varieties from the Yakima fruit stand. The "Presidential" is new and I quite like it!

I had so many I decided to dehydrate them and they are currently turning into prunes as I type.

I made this today using twice the amount of berries which totally hid the spinach flavor. My cells are happy now, thanks!
Lara :-)

Thanks y'all for all of your sweet comments and stories! Happy smoothie making time! :)

hi ali!

this purp-smoothie looks wonderful.. this reminds me of the pumpkin seed-blueberry smoothie that i make every once in a while.. one of my most favorites besides the green smoothies... my friend, mette is visiting us this wkend.. she is from denmark. i cannot wait to make this smoothie for her! there are no pumpkins to be had where she is from! what a treat it will be for her!

lovely seeing you with your beautiful boys!

thank you for sharing all of your recipes! my vegetarian goddess, you are!



Oh how sweet! Love the pictures and your recipe. I'll give this purple smoothie a go later on, thanks Ali!

What a great picture of you and the boys. You always amaze me. I could barely take care of one at a time and talk and walk and look at all you do. It's wonderful. Love the photo from the mountains too. I feel peaceful just looking at it. Thanks for this great recipe. I may be able to get my hubby to drink this one. I've been making the green smoothie and he can't get very far with it. He really doesn't like veggies and that is just too in his face with them. This one has great antioxidants and some veggie. Great! Thank you

I've made 12/15 of the summer recipes.

Mmm. A new smoothie. I love new smoothie recipes and I just happen to have all the ingredients (with some substitutions) to make it this afternoon...oh boy! D. really likes the mostly fruit smoothies. I am sad that she is going through a phase of turning her nose up at my favorite green smoothies. I've been going a little heavy on the greens though since I can't seem to keep up with the kale production factory in our back yard.

She'll come around again, I am sure (probably when the kale is less plentiful!).

I love the pictures in the post today! Look at those little berry pickers--they are so sweet.

I love these pictures! Your family is beautiful! And the smoothie sounds amazing!

No huckleberries where I live, I was thinking of substituting Raspberries. This smoothie looks fabulous. I have been drinking the green smoothies now for a couple of weeks and love them. They never taste exactly the same as I use different fruits and amounts which makes every morning a surprise. Plan on starting the Elimination diet after thanksgiving (Canadian).
Thanks for your great blog, I love the recipe's and I just got your book in the mail the other day... yippee I'm ready to go!

Beautiful pictures! Lovely post, lovely family! :) Thanks for sharing!

What an amazing post, Ali! I love all the info you've shared and how you've shared it. Plus, the photos ... oh my goodness, they are fantastic! It's wonderful, too, to see you and your boys--the experienced berry pickers that they are at their young age. You know I'll be trying this recipe. I just had my green smoothie this morning. :-) Very cool ... thank you!


your antioxidant smoothie looks amazing! can't wait to try this,thanks for the recipe :)

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