Oatmeal Plum Cobbler

Ali Segersten Oct 04, 2011 16 comments

This simple gluten-free oatmeal cobbler is also refined sugar-free and vegan, though you can use butter if you like. I make it with Italian plums but you could use any variety of plum or pluot. It can also be made with peaches, blueberries, or blackberries. I've been dehydrating Italian plums like crazy lately. My children love to eat them as a snack in the winter. I keep filling up glass jars and storing them in the back of the pantry. Italian plums can also be halved, pitted, and frozen to use throughout the year. In fact, I have also made this recipe using frozen plums from last year!

Every year in late summer or early Autumn I take the kids around town and harvest plums with them. Usually there are so many trees with plums dropping to the ground and never enough people picking them. We just knock on doors and ask if we can pick plums. People are usually more than happy to have help with the harvest. And we are more than happy to have boxes of local plums to enjoy. This year plums trees around here were not as bountiful so we bought cases of plums from Eastern Washington.


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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Fantastic recipe. I used ground almonds instead of rice flour and coconut oil as the shortening.

This recipe is fantastic! I have made it with plums and a second time with peaches. This Momma of a GF/DF 3 year-old thanks you!

We made this cobbler last night, and it was fabulous. It is a definite "make again recipe. Some of the eaters did say they would prefer less spice in the crust, so we will probably make it a bit more mild next time. Everyone thought the plum filling was the best.

Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoy the recipe.

Anon - we dehydrate our plums by slicing them in half, removing the pits, and dehydrating in our dehydrator at 115 degrees. It can take a few days per batch when the plums are cut in half. You can quarter them to make the process go faster. :)

Plums! My favorite! I love that you use coconut sugar in your recipe, too. I'll definitely be trying this!

Ali, Jenna h. Here from bastyr. Yes, still HERE :) moved to a new part of the country, and adjusting to new ingredients available. And came to your blog for inspiration! Amazing and generous as always. I swear your recipes have helped me ward off the cancer. ;) sending warm thoughts to your growing family! Thanks for continuing your work! New cookbook? When , when? Lol!

This sounds good! My Mom always made apple or peach cobbler and so that is what I stick with but have been thinking about growing some plums (then wondered what I would do with all of them) so thank you for this recipe :-)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that this isn't loaded up with sugar -- plums are sweet enough! I've been loving cobblers lately as Whole Foods has had gluten free oats on sale lately...I need to give this one a try!

This looks really tasty!! I love love Italian plums. Thanks for your continuing supply of amazing recipes! :)

What a beautiful cobbler. I have never tried an Italiam plum. They look lovely.
Peace and Raw Health,'

Fantastic! This looks seriously yummy -and a great way to use up a glut of plums ♥

Just wondering - how do you dehydrate your plums?


Allyson - I have only tested this recipe using Spectrum organic shortening and organic butter, I don't know how it would work using coconut oil but please let me know if you try it! :)

Thanks Dot and Barbara! Enjoy! :)

This looks delicious and easy! Can't wait to try it! thanks for another great autumn recipe!

Just had to comment: totally cool wooden bowl! Your cobbler looks outstanding. Can't wait to try it! Thanks for the recipe.

Hi Ali!

I totally want to make this tonight but I can't eat dairy and don't have any palm shortening. Would coconut oil work you think?? thanks!!!!