Vanilla Coconut Cream "Cheesecake" (dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan)

Hello dear readers! I have a special treat for you today....literally! A dairy-free, grain-free "cheesecake" made from my Soured Coconut Cream recipe. This no-bake recipe is so simple to make and will delight your friends and family. I've tested it many different ways to get the perfect ratio of ingredients, in fact maybe too much, because now I want nothing to do with coconut milk!
The secret little ingredient in this recipe that helps hold it together and lighten it up is....agar powder! Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from red algae. When it is mixed with a liquid and heated it forms a gel. You can actually make vegan "jell-o" with it using fruit juice. I use this brand of agar powder. Make sure you don't use agar flakes, as the amount needed is different as well as the fact that they need to be soaked in a liquid before using them. You may be able to substitute grass-fed gelatin but I'm not sure on the amount. You would need more than a teaspoon for sure, maybe 1 tablespoon?
If you don't want to use the raspberry topping, try drizzling each slice with warm chocolate sauce and topping with fresh berries. You can use the Chocolate Ganache recipe here if you like.

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Could I use coconut yogurt…
Could I use coconut yogurt for soured coconut cream?
Yes, I would suggest using a…
Yes, I would suggest using a thick coconut yogurt such as Cocojune brand:
Thank you!! Do you have a…
Thank you!! Do you have a video?
I was trying to figure out how to emulate a coconut-based (versus cashew-based or tofu-based) vegan cheesecake I bought at the store once, but I really appreciated finding this recipe! Now I don't have to guess at the ratios (which is a good thing, believe me haha).
Have you tried using all coconut cream rather than 0.5 cups coconut cream and 2.0 cups of soured coconut cream? I imagine the soured coconut cream is for flavor (the tangy quality would cut the richness) and texture (because it's cooked first), was that the rationale?
Can't wait to try it out!
Do i have to use the agar powder?
This cake is worth every penny!
I used caramelised buckinis as the base... Ran out of maple so used rice malt syrup ...
Added kiwi fruit to the top because my sister decided her birthday was pink and green themed haha
And let me tell you, my three and five year old nieces devoured it (not unusual, but symbolic none the less). This is THE ULTIMATE nut free, dairy free and almost raw cake.
I bought an agar powder at an Asian market, and realized, only after I got home, that it is agar powder AND vanilla powder mixed. Obviously it doesn't give any hint about the ratios used, (other then the fact that vanilla powder is last) so I was wondering, has anyone else ran across this? And if so, did you just use 2 teaspoons (as the combined amount in the recipe would be) or...? Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated!
Molly, I've found agar powder very cheap ($1.49 for nearly 1 oz) at local Asian markets. It's "Telephone Brand" and is no different quality, that I can tell, than the expensive stuff at Whole Foods.
Made this over the weekend for my husband and his sister and her husband who were visiting (they are omnivores). They all loved it, and my husband at first was suspicious that I had used dairy for the recipe. It was fantastic. I used dehydrated almond pulp with maple syrup and a little coconut oil for a "graham cracker" crust. Thanks, Kim...this is sooo good!
Gorgeous! I've been wanting to try either coconut milk "cheese" or a vegan cheesecake for a long time and always get scared off by the price of agar. Sometime soon, I need to just bite the bullet!
Do you think gelatin could be used in place of the agar?
I just thought I'd mention that if you're sensitive to seaweed, don't use Agar.
So excited to see a dairy free cheesecake recipe that is also nut free!!! Sounds delicious!
Thank you for sharing this awesome alternative :D
Have you ever tried using the little cans coconut cream?
This looks delightful! Perfect ingredients for our family. I cannot wait to try it!