Honeydew-Cucumber-Mint Popsicles
I know my blog posts have slowed down quite a bit lately. Remodeling a house, finishing a book, and being pregnant have taken up most of my time. I wanted to share this very easy, nourishing popsicle recipe with you and your children. These popsicles are sugar-free, sweetened only with the fruit itself. Ripe honeydew melon is very sweet, in fact, when I make these with the melon and mint alone, my children think they are too sweet! Adding the cucumber balances the flavors and adds nutrients like silica, and extra potassium and vitamin C.
I made a large batch of this recipe the other day, thinking they would make a great snack during labor. I made about 15 popsicles in varying sizes. Today we have five left. I usually only keep foods in the house I feel comfortable having my children eat; meaning they can go into the pantry, refrigerator, or freezer at any time and make themselves a snack. Today, though, I needed to cut them off from these healthy popsicles!
Everything is ready now for the homebirth our 5th baby. I have scrubbed the house down, pulled out the cloth diapers, slings, and blankets. I've washed and folded the little newborn clothes. The girls are really looking forward to being "mini-doulas" helping get the receiving blankets and hats warmed in the dryer when the time comes, as well as anything else that needs to be done. It could be anytime in the next few weeks.....oh the excitement around here lately! The boys ask everyday when the baby is coming.

About the Author
Ali Segersten
Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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These look really really yummy. I have not made popsicles yet this season and think I will do it asap! The summer is running short. Sending you positive homebirthing vibes.
Will definitely be making these! I almost never buy honeydew because it does taste too sweet, but I think the cucumber and mint with it sound so refreshing.
Are you writing another cookbook? Fingers crossed....:-)
I have all the ingredients but no popsicle molds! I might have to buy some when I'm running errands today.
Best wishes for your homebirth! I hope you will share a few photos of the new baby.
These look amazing - so refreshing, bright and beautiful!
These look awesome! The mint will be a new flavor for us. We have been making a lot of your watermelon sorbet.... Ymmm. I am addicted to that stuff! By the way, the creamed kale was so good. I am serving it to company tomorrow, as we have so much kale in the gardens. Tonight we just made some of the "cream" and served it over steamed asparagus. It was fantastic!
I am clear excited for you and the delivery of your new little one. Blessings to you! I hope it all goes well. Can't wait to hear.
Your recipes continue to be a huge blessing in our life and make our strict diet SO easy to live by. Thank you!!!!
enjoy the coming of your new babe. Look forward to hearing from you again, when you are ready to come back. Will try the popsicles today!
In the words of my daughter, (the picky eater)..."these are really good, Mom, you should try them!" So, I did and .... they are delicious and a perfect summer treat!
Sending good vibes your way for an easy, relaxing, healthy homebirth!
Ali - these look fantastic and so perfect for summer. I have the Tovolo popsicle molds and was just yesterday thinking about making some cantaloupe popsicles. I bet they would be great with the cucumber and mint as well. Thank you! And I'm eager to hear when the baby is born. I wish you the very, very best!!!!
Thanks everyone!
Kelly - I read a lot of books on homebirths about 10 yrs ago when I was pregnant for the first time. I checked them out from the library and don't remember the titles. Some of the books I own and highly recommend are: Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, Sacred Birthing, Birthing From Within, and Active Birth. Congrats to you! :)
Krista - I bought these popsicle molds years ago from our local co-op. They are made by Tovolo but I don't know if they are BPA-free or not. If I were to ever buy more I would either go for stainless steel popsicle molds or a healthier plastic option.
The popsicle molds look like a "healthier" plastic - where did you find them? Most of the popsicle molds I've seen in stores are of the cheap 'made in China' kind which I'd never buy. Thanks for the tips and healthy treat recipes!
These look delicious! We just bought popsicle molds today, so I'm going to try them tomorrow.
I too am expecting! Can you recommend any good books on homebirthing?
I love your blog! I have been hanging around and following awhile... I can't wait to try these! I made some mint & melon pops too. (http://www.ourjubilantnest.blogspot.com/2011/06/fruit-pops-aka-popsicles.html)
These look so healthy and refreshing! I have got to try them soon! {new follower}. God's blessings on the labor and delivery!
Oh I love the color, how inviting! And I usually only eat melon alone or with mint which my tummy likes. I think the cucumber would work for me though, while adding lightness, cool.
Those look awesome, Ali! I know I love my honeydew sherbet. It's so sweet and refreshing. Nice to stretch out that sweetness as you did. I love the idea of cucumbers. :-)
Glad the house is all ready for the new baby. I'm excited for you all!
Such great treats for the G-Kids! They are always up for trying something new and this is at the top of the list.
Oh these sound fabulous Ali! I was just coming to your site to get the creamed kale recipe (to make for the 3rd time) and saw this. I've made sugar-free popsicles with watermelon and lime. Now this will be next on my list. Have a ton of cucumbers and mint in the garden right now! Just need to stop by the co-op tomorrow for melon! Thank you! Good luck on your home birth! ~H