Avocado Fudgesicles

Well, it finally feels like summer here today in the Pacific Northwest. We actually turned the heat on a few days ago because it was so chilly and rainy here! School is out, the sun is out and it is time for frozen treats....popsicles and fudgesicles!
I really like to make my own blended fruit popsicles for the kids. Homemade popsicles can be made in a snap using fresh or frozen fruit, nut milks, water, or coconut milk. Plus, by using reusable popsicle molds, we cut down on unnecessary packaging and waste. Check your local co-op or just about any store at this time of year for popsicle molds. If you don't want to use plastic, then check out these stainless steel popsicle molds! I don't own any yet but if I were to purchase more I would go for these.

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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We've made these twice now, following the directions exactly, and they were great both times! We loved them so much I wrote a whole post about it on my dairy-free cooking blog and posted a link to your site. http://yourkidhasadairyallergy.blogspot.com/2013/08/chocolate-avocado-popsicles.html
Thanks for a great recipe!
What kind of cacao do you use? I want to make it with unsweetened raw cacao powder...or will that be too bitter?
I made these and cut the recipe to make with only 1 avocado. They were awesome! I mean sooo good. Then I went to the store for more ingredients to make the full recipe. I hate to say it but they were awful! I bought I different brand of dates but the rest was the same. What could have happened? I loved them so much the first time! Help if you can! Thanks.
Pretty cool idea! Just make sure no one's allergic to avocado, I guess! :) I may have to try this with a different fruit.
These were so good! I had some pudding left after I made the fugesicles and it was way better than the avocado pudding recipe I currently make. This has now replaced that recipe!
Kristin W.
I am delighted to find this website! I follow the blood type diet and as a type A the vegan and gluten free foods are perfect for me.
YUM!!! I only had 2 avocados and they still came out really good...tastes just like fudgesicles. I subbed chocolate coconut milk for regular coconut milk for that extra chocolate kick. Thanks for the recipe!
OK I just made these and they are delicious! I just blogged about your recipe with your link! Cheers and thanks for sharing...I'm a big fan of your recipes...
I'll have to try these too! :)
How many servings does this make? And you mean 3 standard size hass avocados?
Looks great! I grew up with the pudding pops and am excited to try your recipe.
These look so good. Where did you get your popsicle molds? I have been looking for a good popsicle mold. My little boy love green smoothies made into popsicles. I am going to have to try fudgesicles now. Thanks for the great idea!
These are OUTSTANDING! I'm really impressed. I'm just getting into more healthy, refined-sugar-free and gluten-free desserts, and I cannot get over how creamy and delicious this is. Even just the dates with the coconut milk were delicious. One thing you may want to add, though, is to warn people that dates still have their pits in them - I just about killed my food processor on those little stones! Thanks again.
Wow! This is an amazingly creative recipe! Its ousnds so rich and flavorful! My little one has been asking for chocolate popsicles! This is the way to go =)
Found you through Green Kitchen Stories...
These sound so awesome. Luckily I live in Hawaii (it's hot here) but even if it WASN'T I would totally make these.
Now, if only I had an avocado orchard...
So excited to have found your blog and wonderful recipes through another favorite blog -- Simply Sugar and Gluten Free. Can't wait to check out your cookbook!
I'd like to post a link to this recipe on an upcoming Wednesday on my blog. I usually like to post a Mid-Week Tip sharing something I found on another blog.
Thank you!
This recipe has been the hit of the house this summer and we have enjoyed these pops repeatedly! Thanks so much for sharing -
I did try it without the cocoa and it was quite nice (though a bit green)! D. gobbled it up without thinking twice about the color. It was probably a little too sweet, but that can be easily modified next time. The chocolate seemed to help soften the sweetness, but it was still really sweet.
Thanks to Gwen for trying it too. I might try the blueberry version if we make it again sometime. Maybe omit the honey entirely, or reduce it significantly since the dates were very, very sweet. :-)
We couldn't wait for popsicles and just ate it as pudding. Yum! Thanks Ali :-)
To Jennifer L.
I made this recipe again tonight and having just read your comment, thought I would experiment. I blended all of the ingredients together, except for the cocoa and then tasted it. I expected it to be terrible (I'm not an avocado fan), but it tasted much like a vanilla pudding with just a hint of avocado. The color was of course, bright green and it had flecks of brown in it from the dates - so it was not terribly pretty, but the flavor was not too bad. I would add extra vanilla if you decide to make it sans cocoa. The cocoa certainly adds a depth of flavor and masks the avocado, so I would try to add something that would do both - perhaps carob or blueberries?
Hi, It's look great!
I"m also on low fiber and fats diet, beacuse I have Crohn's disease.
I know that Avocados contain lots of fiber and fat. How can I reduce them? I would like to know if you have an idea for me, so I can finally enjoy desserts like this!
Ali, did you modify these for the boys or have you introduced chocolate with them? I am hesitant to make it since wee one here would feel left out and I try to aim for mild desserts she can have too. Right now I am with family in Southern CA, so I figured it might be fun to whip some up since there will be more people to share it with, but I still am on the fence about introducing chocolate. I wonder how it would taste without (since I don't eat chocolate either...:-)).
These are simply scrumptious! My potluck group have really been enjoying many of the recipes on your site! Thank-you for so many delicious, shareable ideas.
Made the avocado pudding last night; I am so impressed! I subbed agave for the honey and forgot to add the vanilla and salt - but it still tasted wonderful! Plan on getting some popsicle molds this summer for some cool treats. Thank you Ali for your wonderful recipes!
We made these yesterday and they were delicious, Ali! I was short one avocado and substituted stevia for the honey and left out the vanilla for my allergy and they were still wonderful. What a fun recipe!
I love healthy treats like this.
These are absolutely amazing, thank you so much for this web site, you are a blessing to all!!
I'm on the elimination diet and can't wait to challenge chocolate, so that I can try this recipe! I've been curious about the avocado pudding concept for a long time! Thanks so much for the fabulous recipes.
YUM!!!!! What a great way to use avocados! I've seen the pudding made before, but never thought to make fudgesicles like that! YUMMY!!
Thanks everyone for your comments! Hope you enjoy this awesome treat! I got the idea for these from a recipe Tom created for our cookbook: Avocado Fig Fudgesicles.
Since figs are not in season right now I created this! Happy Summer! -Ali :)
Wow. These look delicious! Thanks for sharing ;-)
These were amazing - My daughter got one of those instant pop makers for her birthday - my suggestion - so that we could make a healthier alternative to the usual store bought offerings.
These are a little soft for the ZOKU maker but I got 2 out of three loose so not too bad ;-)
I posted the recipe on FB and many people balked at avocado and chocolate - their loss!
The adults all agreed the pudding beats the frozen pops but the kids loved them frozen.
I am so excited to find a good chocolate pudding recipe - I recently discovered I cannot eat soy as well as the dairy. My old vegan chocolate mousse is now out and this is an even better replacement. I am going to use it as a pie filling in the almond meal crust I made up.
I've seen the avocado chocolate pudding concept, but this popsicle idea is fabulous, Ali! I long ago gave away my popsicle molds, but love the stainless steel ones. Thanks so much for the link (and the other wonderful links!) and this wonderful recipe. It's super hot here today and these sound amazing.
These look so yummy! And your daughter makes them look even better.
I was on my way to Whole Foods yesterday when I checked my email on my phone and saw these! They are perfect for the grandkids on Father's day weekend! Thanks - We all can't wait to try them this afternoon. I fannly purchased a Cuisinart ice cream machine and have made the strawberry coconut ice cream. That was great too- I am making it with cherries today so my 11 month old granddaughter can try some too.
Haven't tried these yet, but we did make your Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream for a special dinner Friday. Oh my!
BTW--How do you keep the kids from losing the popsicle sticks? We are sit-down eaters ("Yer NOT choking to death on my watch!"), but sometimes the sitting down involves being outside with another little boy-type friend, and there go the sticks!
This is genius!!!
I've seen lots of uses for avocados but this one is the best. Thanks for mentioning my Mixed Berry Frozen Yogurt Sherbet!
These look amazing - thanks for sharing. Just the other weekend we were at a store and there was 'icecream' there made with very similar ingredients - thanks for the recipe. They used currants to sweeten though - so I guess that would be instead of the honey, and I don't think they used dates. But this recipe looks delicious! I will also look at ordering those molds. Thankyou SO much for the link!
Oh, my how delicious!
I'm so excited to make this recipe. THANK YOU for offering such yummy treats to us dairy/casein-free cooks!
This looks so delicious. I just might eat this in a bowl for breakfast and skip the freezer part!!
I've used avocado along with coconut milk before when making ice cream, so why not fudgesicles? These sound amazing!
I have to try this and see if my kids will eat it! I bet they won't even know there is avocado in it.
What a fabulous way to get the kids to enjoy a delicious yet nutritious summer treat! I'd love to feature this recipe on my site, www.canigettherecipe.com with full credits and links back to your site if you are keen. Please let me know! carisnell(at)shaw(dot)ca
What a delicious treat! Pudding or fudgesicle...how will I choose?!
Chocolate avocado pate (just a tad thicker than the pudding) is my hubby's favorite dessert. Taking it a step further and freezing the pudding as fudgsicles is such a great idea! Clearly, well-enjoyed by your model. ;)
Gosh, I love this idea of avocado fudgesicles. I used to make fruit-only popsicles when my kids were little, but never fudgesicles. What a great summer treat. We can always count on you for the most amazing creations for kids. People don't realize how easy it is to feed your kids healthy meals from the beginning. And to guide them into a thriving lifestyle and long-term health. Good for you! Your kids are true testimony that if you do it right from the start, kids can thrive and if they're "picky" eaters, it's the processed stuff they don't like.
I love it! Your kids eat kale and love curry! =)
Lovely..haha..I just posted popsicles on my site too...
LOVE the stainless steel molds...wonderful...those are on my wish list.