Sweet and Spicy Kale Chips

Ali Segersten Oct 28, 2011 30 comments
Sweet and Spicy Kale Chips

Warning: Kale Chips are highly addictive! There are so many different ways to make kale chips. Usually I just toss kale pieces in olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Blended cashews, red peppers, lemon, and nutritional yeast is another popular combination. Here I combine a little almond butter, lime, olive oil, maple syrup, and chili flakes to create a very addictive, yet healthy snack. This kale chip recipe is the perfect thing to bring to any spooky Halloween parties you may be attending this weekend!

Kale chips can be baked at a low temperature in the oven or dehydrated in a food dehydrator at 115 degrees overnight, or about 10 to 12 hours. I always have great intentions of making large batches of kale chips and then storing them in glass jars on the counter for the kids to munch on but they never make it that far. I prefer making kale chips with curly kale because all the good stuff that you drizzle over the kale tends to stick a bit more. But since we have a lacinato kale forest in our back yard that is what I have been using. Lacinato kale is also called black kale, Tuscan kale, or dinosaur kale by the way.


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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These look great I tried to make them they were good but I feel like I did something wrong. The leafs were thin and I put them in a container after they were done and they didn't stay crunchy :(. Any help would be awesome

I followed the recipe but did not flip the chips...39 minutes to be exact and they seem a little burnt. :( or maybe that's just the flavour of the chip!

Today we made Kale chips using your cashew ranch dressing recipe minus the water, since the kale is damp from rinsing. We then dehydrated them on parchment/teflex at 105 degrees F...after 3 hours they were not quite done, and yet we could not stop eating them! If any of the 4 trays survive the next hour I am sure they will be perfect!

Hi Ali, I just discovered your blog today! It's really wonderful & the recipes are fantastic. I was wondering where you purchased your seeds / plants for the lacitano kale you grow in your backyard. I am going to research this, but any pointers would be appreciated!

I make it with cayenne pepper yummy

Oh man! So I made the chips and they were good. But! I made a Phase 3 chicken salad with the sauce from these chips. I doubled the sauce, poured it over some chopped chicken breasts I had previously cooked and frozen, added some currants and pecans. Then I rolled them up in collard greens like the sunflower pate. It was SOOOOOOO good! I'll make that again for sure!

Thanks so much for the recipe - I just tried making them for the first time last night and they are soooo good! I think I can finally say I like kale, lol.

I've also been reading through all the other comments, and am inspired by so many variations I can try in the future.

Sarah :)

I have a batch baking in the oven right now, thanks for the recipe, I can imagine how amazing they will taste. Thanks!

I am so jealous of your "backyard kale forest"!! What kind do you grow?!

Kale chips are quickly becoming my favorite snack. Tiajin seasoning from Mexico is salty, spicy, and a little sour-so perfect! I want to make salt & vinegar kale chips next.

These chips were delicious. I used cashew butter in place of the almond butter. I really liked the sweet/spicy combo. Thanks again for sharing your recipes!

Good grief, these look so delicious. You make me want to pull out my dehydrator... wait, does it call for a dehydrator? Let me check. Bonus if it doesn't so I wouldn't have to clean my dehydrator racks!!!


Ali - you have taken kale chips to a whole new level!
I brought these to work and became a rock star.
I love your blog with all my heart.
Thank you so much for sharing.

I tried these, forgot to put in the olive oil, but they were still delicious! My eleven yr old said, "Mom, these are really good! You might actually get me to eat kale!"

That kale looks great! DH likes it when I make barbecue kale chips. I just mix barbecue sauce with the kale and put on parchment paper lined baking sheets. They'll stick otherwise.

Thanks again for the recipe - I can't wait to try it.

Eating these right now-super delicious, thanks!

I grew a couple dozen Romanesco cauliflower plants this year. They were huge and lots of leaves were left after I harvested the heads of cauliflower. I've been making 'Romanesco' leaf chips and they are GREAT. I'm also gonna try making chips with other sturdy greens, maybe collards! Thanks for your recipes.

Thanks for this great posting and information. You rock!

I love kale chips. They're much better than they sound! Yours sound (and look) great. And so rich with nutrients. I love all these different versions people are adding to the conversation. Tessa's idea of the dressing is a great one. I'll be trying some of these as I'm getting tons of kale in my CSA share. Here's my version from 4 years ago!

Kale Chips - you gotta try them. You'd never believe it until you do. They are amazing and just as satisfying (and way better for you) as potato chips. And the endless varieties are also amazing. These look and sound great. Nice job Ali!!!!

I love kale chips too! I would definitely try this receipe! I enjoy making them using sesame oil, sesame seeds & and salt. It tastes really similar to those korean nori/seaweed! Try and mix them with rice, it's delicious!!!

I love kale chips - in fact, I'm making some right this second! Here is the recipe I like to use:


I never thought of making them sweet - I think I may just try that!

These look better than the kale chips I'm eating right now! You are so right they can be highly addictive and so good for you. Thank you for this great idea.

These look so yummy! I love them with smoked paprika and a pinch of salt. I also recently toasted up some pumpkin seeds in a cast iron skillet for 4-5 minutes and then tossed them with 2 tsp olive oil and a scant Tbs smoked paprika for a yummy Halloween treat. Bean dip (from your book) and sweet potato fries (as well!) were a hit at the preschool Halloween fest too. Mmm! I love fall treats!

I seriously LOVE kale chips. They're like eating popcorn but, you know, WITH nutritional content! I've only been salting mine, but this looks like a fun and easy way to switch up the flavor! Thanks for the recipe!

I love the sweet and spicy element of these! I like kale chips, but the plain salt version just isn't enough excitement.

Love kale chips. I haven't made any in a while though! I tend to make them in my dehydrator, but my husband prefers the baked variety. Might have to try your sweet and spicy recipe - I'm a sucker for sweet and spicy!

I am totally addicted to these as well! I usually use olive oil, salt, and lemon juice. I have also added smoked paprika and lime, a sesame seed/lemon/maple syrup dressing, and even Annie's Shitake Dressing.....no matter how I make them, I can;t control myself and will always eat the whole head of kale in one day! The looks I get from people...but they're converts after one bite! Thanks! Tessa@TessaDomesticDiva

Wow, those look irridescent! Very cool, Ali. :-)


I love making kale chips and you are so right about them being addictive. I am going to try out this recipe since I have kale in the fridge waiting to be prepped.

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