Spicy Summer Black Bean Salad

Ali Segersten Aug 18, 2009 11 comments

The days of overflowing gardens and refrigerators full of produce are upon us! What to do with all of those peppers, tomatoes, and onions? I got it! A fresh black bean salad!

On Saturday, the girls and I went to the market to pick up what is not growing in our garden, such as peppers (mine aren't ready yet), cucumbers, carrots, and garlic. While I was picking out a few hot peppers, my girls saw some "pretty tomatoes" that they really wanted to buy. Apparently the tomatoes in our garden aren't pretty. So I bought tomatoes as well.


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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I've not been keeping up. As you can tell I'm going backwards and each recipe I find looks amazing. I have tons of peppers to use up and some corn on the cob. Thanks!

Thanks Jennifer, glad you enjoyed it! I am so envious that you have lemons growing in your garden! How fun! -Ali :)

I made it today using peppers, tomatoes, cilantro and lemons (instead of limes) from our garden. I used frozen corn since I didn't have any on hand. I am sure it'll taste even better tomorrow! We have lots and lots of peppers to use, so I was glad that a simple recipe involving peppers just showed up without me having to search for a yummy one!

Amy - I do the same when I am shopping. I walked by the fresh figs the other day while in the co-op and instantly thought about roasting them with a whole chicken, rosemary, and balsamic vinegar. I have always thought that others who create recipes so often like I do must think like this. Thanks for sharing. :)

We think alike...or maybe all of us who love cooking think like that. I'm always thinking of what goes together, what doesn't. I am notorious for bringing home tons of produce that wasn't on my list but couldn't pass it up.

I can't imagine you cussing. :)

Debbie - Must be hot where you live, I never have much of an appetite when it's 90+ degrees (doesn't happen often here)! :)

Wendy - Thanks, I think mixing this black bean salad with cooked quinoa would create the perfect grain/bean salad. I am sure yours is delish too! :)

L - Thanks, hope you enjoy! No I don't use gloves, I just deal with my hands burning for a few hours. Rubbing baking soda on wet hands does lessen it though. Sorry I am not much more help here. :)

Pam - Thanks, this is a colorful meal! :)

Anon - I do have a number of tricks for softening gluten-free tortillas. I used store-bought brown rice tortillas last night. I did a post on this a few months ago that you can refer to, though what I did yesterday is toss the tortillas over the roasting potatoes in the oven. The combo of the heat and steam from the potatoes softened them very quickly. -- http://glutenfreewholefoods.blogspot.com/2009/03/great-gluten-free-wraps.html

Happy Summer -Ali :)

Sounds great. I love black beans. You mentioned that you made black bean-avocado wraps for your kids. What kind of gluten-free tortillas do you use? All the ones I've tried are stiff and hard to chew. Any suggestions for softening those buggers up?

I love the colors of your salad!

Oh Ali, this looks perfect! I am making it today! I am a big fan of spice so I would probably use extra peppers. I usually use gloves to seed my peppers, is this what you do? Or do you have any tricks for getting the fire off of your skin? Thanks! :-)

Yum, the recipe sounds great! I make a similar black bean salad that I love. I use either brown rice or quinoa in mine. I love your addition of fresh corn right off the cob, delish.

Ali, I haven't had much appetite lately but this looks good to me. Thanks always for sharing your expertise and recipes! ~Debbie

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