Gluten-Free Gingerbread Cut-Out Cookie Recipe

Ali Segersten Dec 01, 2011 456 comments
Gluten-Free Gingerbread Cut-Out Cookie Recipe

Our children have so much fun cutting out and decorating these lovely gluten-free Christmas cookies! Just look at these photos, what is not to love? This time of year takes me back to baking gingerbread and sugar cookies with my mother. My brothers and I would decorate dozens of cookies with beautiful colored sprinkles and bright white icing. I wanted to share that experience with my own children, only with a healthier, gluten-free version. Thus, this recipe was born! It uses coconut sugar as the main sweetener, along with a powdered coconut sugar icing. Although coconut sugar is definitely a low-glycemic sweetener, it is still sugar, and these cookies are to be considered a sweet treat.

My recipe below calls for sweet rice flour. This type of white rice flour is made from sticky rice, or glutinous rice. It helps hold the cookies together without the use of gluten flour or gluten-free binders. I prefer to use this superfine sweet rice flour. Superfine flours are ground so finely that they lack the grittiness typically found in other types of rice flours. 

You can follow my blog post for How to Make Powdered Coconut Sugar if you would like to use a more nutritious sugar in the icing. We like to decorate these cookies with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. You can definitely get creative here with the toppings. 


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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Your site has transformed my kitchen! Thanks for your great Momma perspective on whole food eating and living.

I miss gingerbread men! That's one of the things i have to put on my to-bake list!

I love gingerbread cookies! My family makes these every year. I have not tried the Hazelnut Flour before. I will have to get some and make these cookies.

I can't wait to bake these during Christmas vacation. Thank you for sharing your recipes! :O)

I can't wait to try these during Christmas vacation! Thanks for sharing your recipes.

Looks delicious!

I love your blog and have become a more confident cook in part due to your recipes. Your ideas for substitutions and how to use what you have available fresh has made me more comfortable experimenting and overall enjoying the results! I also keep kosher and since most of your recipes are dairy-free, it is very easy for me to make things that I can have with a meat meal. Although not GF, your blog has been a great resource for me for healthy recipes. Thank you!

I also posted on Facebook.

amaritrosin@gmail (dot) com

the cookies look delcious! thanks for this giveaway

I have been gluten free for a few years and yours is one of the blogs that helped me get started. This recipe looks not only yummy, but fun, too!

I posted earlier, but I'm adding another one because I shared on facebook, and also need to add my e-mail:
Thanks again. Since finding out I am intolerant to a lot of food, I have looked to your site so much for food ideas and knowledge; it has made me enthusiastic about nutrition and cooking! It's pretty difficult being a young person surrounded by friends and family who do not understand food issues, but with the knowledge that is out there on the internet, people like us can live fairly functionally in a society based around wheat.

Hi, I really do not understand this whole blogger thing but I'll learn. Hopefully almond flour will work for this gingerbread cookie recipe. I look forward to trying it. Thank you.

This looks really good, Ali. I'm sure your kids had a lot of fun decorating...
I love using coconut sugar as a sweetener. And the hazelnut meal is a great idea -- it makes the recipe almost grain-free! ;-)

Thanks for posting! Have you ever tried to make a ginger bread house using this recipe?

FB it too.

Great recipe. I just put dd to work on it ;)

Just posted on fb too!!

Love your cookbook and your website! Would love to try this recipe. Can I substitute almond flour for the hazelnut flour?


I'm in love with your blog and I check it just about everyday to try new recipes and read about the information you post. I don't usually enter in the drawings but today is different I guess! Hope I win something so I can use it to cook for my family! Cheers :)

I just recently bought a bag of hazelnuts. I think this would be an excellent recipe to try it out with! :)

I was thinking of trying almond flour inplace of the hazelnut flour. If anyone has tried it and it didn't work, please let me know.

This looks wonderful! I was just planning to bake a big batch of gingerbread cookies with my boys.

Great idea. love working with coconut sugar...

I am subscribed and LOVE it!!!
Kiddos will have soooo much fun making these.
Peace and Raw Health,

I also shared this post on Facebook. I love finding awesome local resources! (Yay Bellingham!)

Thanks for this wonderful cookie recipe - it looks delicious and simple, and I can't wait to make it with my daughter.

These cookies look fabulous! I can't wait to make them with my daughter.

this is wonderful and would hep me so much - newbie to this clan!

tristazmail yahoo com

thanks, ali! looking forward to trying this recipe with the girls! i'll let you know how it works with a dairy free butter substitute!

I am looking forward to making these with my girls, ali! i love hazelnuts so am excited for that flavor - and i will let you know how they work with a dairy free butter substitute as i am now GF and dairy free (they definitely seem to be triggers for my migraines, sinus issues, etc). thanks for the great recipe!

Thanks for the recipe. Can't wait to make it with my little one.

I am in LOVE with your blog! I make your raw caramel dip about every other day!! Thank you for all the amazing recipes!!


this is amazing! thank you for the recipe and the chance to win! :)

I am so thankful I found your blog (and face book page)! The recipes and "welcoming" attitude of your posts have been a blessing! I am new to gluten free and don't feel as limited now :).

Can't wait to bake this holiday treat with my daughter!

Laura J.

Just posted on my FB account too!

Thanks so much,

Great giveaway! Loving the recipe since we're new to gluten-free.

Look like excellent cookies! Can't wait to see more
Alena M

These cookies look fantastic. I have one son who is gluten intolerant and now it looks like both his older and baby brothers are also showing signs of intolerance, so I am in the process of converting my whole family to gluten-free. My husband was lamenting about the lack of Christmas cookies last night...he will be thrilled when I show him this recipe!

Thanks for all you do!

I was just looking for a gingerbread recipe! Yippeee!!

I love your recipes! I am not gluten/egg/dairy free but cook from your website multiple times per week and love the results!!!!! I love experimenting with new flours/grains. Thank you! Can't wait to try this recipe.

Mmmm... ginger is my vice. Have you attempted to make this into a house? Certainly one of my favorite glutenous childhood memories. I'd love to figure that one out!

I can't wait to try this! We are dairy free so I will try coconut butter. I would love to win! (dot)com. Thanks!!

Oh, these look amazing! I might have to track down some hazelnut flour. Does anyone know if it can be found in Bham?

The cookbooks looks great and boy would I love to win a Vitamix! Sarah.kloss @ hotmail dot com

I love your site and your cookbook! I have been following along for almost a year... since I've gone GF. You've not only made the transition easier but fun. I have never felt so good!!! I'm never going back. Can't wait to try the cut out cookies with my kids! : )

Thanks for the great recipes and the giveaways. Can't wait to try these cookies!

Your cookies look delicious. I will absolutely be trying them with my son this year. Thanks.

Thanks for having a giveaway! I LOVE to win things :-)

Here is my email address so that you can contact me when I have won.

Happy Holidays and Warm Tidings!!

I like you on facebook.

Living gluten-free has been a challenged, but my body is really happy about it, I am not feeling sick! Now I got the cookie cutters to prepare the gingerbread cookies with my son! Thank you!! Merry Christmas!

I'm new to gluten free - just a few months, but was lamenting the lack of spicy gingerbread cookies this year. I'll have to try this.

Shared on facebook too.

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