Morning Winter Fruit Bowls with Hemp Seeds and Cacao Nibs
My mother-in-law was visiting earlier this month and she likes to make fruit bowls every morning along with a green smoothie right after her her morning "blissipline" routine. She's almost 70 and is in much better shape than me! Our children love to watch her do the splits and headstands. When Tom was 10 years old she transitioned the family to a vegan diet with the help of their family doctor at the time, Dr. John McDougall. Tom remained a vegan for about 30 years until last year when he began to eat a small amount of wild fish and pastured meats. My mother-in-law is still predominately vegan with a heavy emphasis on raw plant foods. And you can tell by her glowing skin. You can't beat nature's most perfect food.....plants! These fruit bowls are so packed with disease-preventing, life-enhancing phytochemicals.....your body will thank you.
Every morning she had the kids make a list of what they wanted in their fruit bowls. The boys made large spirals because they can't write letters yet. The girls worked on their lists every day to have ready for her. Then she set each bowl out and filled their orders. Pomegranates, apples, pears, oranges, avocados, cashews, brazil nuts, and chopped fresh ginger (for my oldest ginger-loving daughter). Eating a large bowl of fruit and nuts in the morning is actually quite filling and very energizing.

About the Author
Ali Segersten
Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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I absolutely love this fruit bowl recipe. I made it several times over the holidays. It is a taste sensation and so healthy too! It contains many of my favorite ingredients. Thanks for sharing it.
What is her 'blisscipline' routine?!
I was SO needing something inspiring. This is it! Will be trying this out soon.
This is so pretty. Yum.
my mom has passed on the tradition of adding poppy seeds to our fruit bowls. this is great with a dash of honey and a sprinkle of lemon jc..
Oh yummy, what a nice breakfast bowl concoction. Sometimes I feel I'm eating the same thing in the mornings, but this (maybe with a little yogurt/kefir) would be a delish change.
I love your fruit bowl ideas here I will surely include this on my list this coming holiday season. Thank you and have a happy holidays ahead. :)
My daily breakfast lately has been chopped pears, apples, persimmon, pomegranate, a banana, a few dashes of cinnamon, and almond milk. It is soooooooo good!
Looks fab! Did you know that pomegranates are reputed to have 613 seeds, and that is the number of good deeds (mitzvoth) the Torah (Jewish book) states that we need to do to bring peace to the world!
that sounds like a great combination. Could also be good on top of some rice ceral, or even on a bed of lettace. I've also started eating some meat this year after being a vegetarian (but not vegan) for 15 years. It was tough to do and I feel alittle better but I also feel at my best when eating lots of colorful vegis and fruits- which sometimes I forget to do. This post is a good reminder :)
I'm so interested to find out that now Tom is eating a little bit of meat. Can you talk about how often you guys eat meat each week and what a portion size would be for Tom? I've been a vegetarian for 25 years and raised our kids vegetarian, but have considered putting a small bit of meat in our diet.
Thank you for sharing this! Sometimes breakfasts get boring and routine, and this will surely add some color and flavor to the morning!
On a different note, I am curious if you would be willing to donate a cookbook or 2 to a contest I will be hosting in the new year for my health and wellness blog. Please e-mail if you have a moment! Blessings! :)
Beautiful. Pomegranate seeds are so eye-catching, especially with such a colorful palette. I would replace Hemp seed (allergic) with Chia and/or Coconut. I'd add some extra organic protein source too like egg, cheese, turkey/chicken.
This looks amazing! I can't wait to try it out on the kids :)
What a wonderful way to start the day! What a beautiful and delicious bowl of fruit! Thanks for sharing!
What a gorgeous bowl and a fun, healthy idea!