Raw Berry Tart with a Coconut Pastry Cream (vegan, gluten-free)
I have something for you, just in time for 4th of July celebrations.....and no cooking required! I used to think that making tarts was a complicated process, but it is really quite simple. You will need a 9 or 10-inch tart pan with a removable bottom, which can be found on amazon.com or your local kitchen store. For this recipe I use my standard nut-date crust which is pressed into the pan. Then the raw, dairy-free pastry cream is added and topped with fresh berries. Raw tarts come together so quickly!
For the pastry cream, I use coconut butter, which is made from both the oil and the meat. We like the brand Artisana, but you can use others. Sometimes it is labeled with different names such as coconut mana or coconut cream concentrate, however, it is all the same thing.
Berries are an incredible source of anti-inflammatory polyphenols. These polyphenols feed beneficial microbes in the gut, can act as anti-inflammatory agents in our bodies, and are anti-carcinogenic!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Wow - so Good! I used lemon juice instead of the orange, and 1/2 walnuts for the crust - the flavors are amazing. Can't wait to share this with my friends tonight! Thanks so much for this amazing recipe.
This was truly delicious and was a hit at my Easter table for both the GF and "regular" eaters! I made it the day before and added the berries a few hours before serving. It's also visually appealing.
I made this tonight for the family and everyone loved it! I substituted macadamia nuts for the cashews because I was fresh out and put in a whole mango instead of the orange juice because I didn't have any on hand. I also added lemon juice and lemon zest to give a little tang to the cream. I think I will bring it to Easter!
I have made this twice now, and it has been well received. Thank you for such a satisfying recipe to replace things like cheesecake or a traditional tart.
Just made this - delicious! I was out of dates, so used a combination of dried figs and apricots in the crust, plus a little honey and water to help it stick. Worked great! My Vitamix didn't want to blend the filling at the highest speed - got air pockets, etc., and I didn't want to add more liquid, so I gave up before it was totally smooth - not very noticeable in the final product. Fantastic dessert!
Lindsey P - I am not sure how to replace the coconut in this recipe....cashew butter may work? You'd have to play around with it.
Kelly - if you don't own a high-powered blender you can soak the cashews in water for at least 3 hours and then drain and blend in a regular blender. It may not get as creamy, but it is an option! :)
Thanks for the comments! :)
Made this today and it is SO good. I love the almond extract in the cream. I will definitely be making this again.
Made this today and it is SO good! Love the almond extract in the cream. I will definitely be making this one again.
I don't have one of the high-powered blenders. Is there an option for the rest of us? I really want to make this. I am assuming the food processor wont do the trick since you didn't use it?
Thank you, this is so perfect for the 4th. My sister-in-law traditionally brings her berry cream tart for our BBQ and its wonderful but we have 4 GF ,DF, and egg free people including my 4 year old autistic grandson. I usually make another dessert and make 2 versions for the variety sensitivities ( 1 chocolate allergy, imagine!) this year I'm making your beautiful tart and it will go along side the other and become a new tradition. We are very happy about this
Thanks again
My daughter just finished making this wonderful dessert. Your timing is perfect, as she's exploring the world of raw foods this week. She even picked fresh strawberries for the top. Gorgeous!
We also wanted to pre-buy your new book, but live in B'ham and would rather not pay for shipping. Options?
Hi. After being on the elimination diet and going gluten free, I have enjoyed following all your posts and recipes. My difficulty is that I am highly allergic to peanuts and tree nuts as well. I would love to try some of your ideas, but there are so many that involve nuts. Are there any nut free substitutions that could work for example for your crusts? Thanks, Carol
This looks great! Any suggestions for replacing the coconut for my coconut allergic daughter? Cashew butter? Thank you for all you do, your work and recipes. I would be lost without them!
This looks sooo delicious! I am going to make it for our company visiting from Tennessee! I take it that I can buy the coconut cream at the Food Co-Op?
Thanks for a great, holiday-ready dessert recipe, Ali!
Totally stunning! Perfect for the 4th or any summer gathering. :-)
What a stunning pie. I just love it when you post raw recipes.
Peace and RaW Health,
That pastry cream sounds delightful. I have made lots of pies with raw cashews, but the addition of coconut butter and orange juice sounds really nice.