Homemade Seaweed Snacks
Have you ever tried those salty seaweed snacks you buy at places like Trader Joe's? I know, they're addicting, we've tried them before and my children loved them! I won't buy them because they have so much packaging and because canola oil is listed as one of the ingredients (which is often genetically engineered). My 10 year old daughter has been thinking about a way to make them for months and she finally decided to figure it out last week. I asked her to write a "guest post" for me but she didn't want to. She did, however, write the recipe below but wanted me to "introduce" it.
When she makes these, the other children hover over the pans as they come out of the oven and devour them ALL in one sitting. She will then proceed to make another batch and quickly hide some of them for her lunch. Seaweed, with the addition of unrefined sea salt, is a very nutritious trace-mineral snack!
Here is Lily's recipe. I was amazed that she knew how to organize and write a recipe....it must be from using my cookbook and cooking on her own. She asked me quite a few times what she should say next and I would reply: "what was your next step?" Then she would realize that she already knew the answer and proceed to type it up.

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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She was working in Fahrenheit, so that's about 120 degrees Celsius
I just started making these, but without oil, just water wasabi powder and sea salt. no burning.
Give them a try: http://hungrynaturalist.blogspot.com/2016/02/vol-6-no-1-wasabi-roasted-nori-chips.html
15 -20 minutes! Thats overkill, the seaweed will BURN!
I leave mines in for 3 minutes 4 max at 150-175
Why do mine always taste bitter and burned, no matter what I do! 10 minutes at 250, they were looking like charcoal!
This was the best recipe. My husband claimed he does not like these. Funny, as he kept sneaking back into the kitchen to eat more!
Keep on cooking! I hope my future kids will be as good as you.
Hi Ali, love your Nori snack recipe.
I was inspired to try it with our local Premium Bull Kelp Fronds (Nereocystis luetkeana) seaweed from the pacific North Coast of Canada.
We have a seaweed company called BC KELP and sell this delicious seaweed. Our website, www.bckelp.com
Thank you very much for all your great recipes! Love your site.
Thank you Lily!!! My kids and I love Seaweed Snacks and we now know how to make our own.
I really like you site! I love that Lily came up with this idea! I love toasted sesame oil. I just bought a quick snack of seaweed the other day, and like you was disappointed to see canola oil as an ingredient. Thanks! Nice work Lily!
These are s super yummy! Thanks so much. I make them all the time. I have changed the recipe slightly to suit my taste buds. Check out my recipe on http://www.nzecochick.com/2012/09/seaweeds-snack.html M xx
Go Lilly! Great recipe! Can't wait to try it!
What am I doing wrong? I spit mine out. It tastes like pure fish! Yuck! No way will my kids eat these!
Ali and Lilly,
This recipe is so simple and delicious! I made them today with my daughter, age 4, and my son, age 3. They are eating them all! :) Thank you and please share more simple, healthy recipes we can make together.
My kids LOVE these, but they're so expensive and packaged in individual packages of 4 pieces, which is a huge waste of plastic. I love that this recipe is for the oven, not a food dehydrator. Thank you! I cannot wait to make them WITH the kids. I like that aspect too. :D
I am getting up from my computer desk RIGHT NOW to get these puppies started. I have a whole package of Nori that I have been wondering what to do with, besides miso, of course.
Thank you!
So awesome. My girls love these... not sure if seaweed is really something my 8m old should be eating (I don't *think* it'd be bad, but haven't looked into it), but good luck telling her that! She stole some from big sister one day and there was no going back! Now it's their favorite snack to share.
Hurray! I was munching on the TJs ones this weekend, and I literally made the comment "I can't make these at home". (VERY unlike me!). Well my pregnancy brain must have been killing my creative juices! So simple and lovely, thank you Alexine!
What a simple and scrumptious recipe Lily :D I'll be making these as soon as I buy some more Nori sheets :D Thankyou.
Lily, these look awesome! I am thrilled to see your recipe. Great job! You are an inspiration to all. :) xo
Lily, I was thinking how can I make these too! I am excited that you found a way and shared it. Now I can just make them without the trial and error. Thanks for caring about the environment. I feel the waste of packaging on TJ's seaweed packs are a big deal too.
Thank you very much Lily!!!
My 7 year old is very excited to make these today!
Thank you so much! You did an awesome job on the recipe. Very clear & easy to understand. I'm going to make these with my daughter tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for the sweet comments. Lily read them and is definitely more inspired to share her recipes now! :)
The folks at Rising Tide sell beautiful, tasty, clean seaweed here: http://www.loveseaweed.com/paypal.html
Unfortunately, it looks like they are out of both toasted and untoasted nori sheets right now.
I don't work for them, but I have enjoyed the ability, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, to buy sea palm and dulse in half pound bags and untoasted organic nori in 50 sheet bags over the years.
I had a Korean roommate years ago who taught me to prepare kim, which is the Korean word for nori. It's pronounced "keem."
She quartered sheets of kim with scissors, brushed on sesame oil and sprinkled on salt. She then toasted (she called it "roasted") each piece on a hot cast iron griddle or skillet. Yum. I got addicted.
I would like to try the baking technique mentioned here, though, as it seems less labor intensive.
When Rising Tide is out, I can indulge my seaweed cravings by going to an Asian grocery store. Every city I have ever been in over 100,000 people has one, and they sell inexpensive seaweed. I do worry about the possibility of heavy metal contamination, though.
Yummy yummy yum Lily! I am making these tomorrow - I have a packet of nori, sesame oil and celtic sea salt. Sorted! x x x
Great job, Lily! My daughter loves to see other kids cook, it's inspiring to her to try stuff. Thanks for taking the initiative!
Thanks Lily and Ali! I've been reading your blog for a while now and this is the first time I've been inspired to post.
I also *love* toasted nori, but agree that the packaging and oil used for the Trader Joes snacks should be avoided. I'm excited to try this soon!
Adrienne- if you live in the Seattle area, I buy my nori in 100 packs from Uwajimaya. If not, try any Asian market near your home.
Looks wonderful Lily, great job! I will have our 5 children get busy in the kitchen making your recipe.
Peace and Raw Health,
Thank you so much, Lilly! My son, Bram, LOVES TJs seaweed snacks. Now, thanks to you, he can make them at home. I can't wait to show him your recipe. He is going to be sooo excited!
Hi Lily, Thank-you for the seaweed recipe. I have tried a similar method before, but my seaweed always turns a yucky brown color and doesn't taste good. Maybe I have the oven set too high? I will try your method and see how it works. Keep thinking of delicious new recipes and post them, ok?
Adrienne - We use the 50-pack of Sound Sea Vegetables Toasted Sushi Nori. It is about $20 per pack. We buy it from our local food co-op, but you can also get it on Amazon.com using "subscribe and save" for about $17 a pack.
This is a wonderful recipe! One I will be trying this weekend. You definitely have a future in cookbook writing if that suits you. I will be anxiously awaiting your next guest post at The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen. Thank you!
Your daughter is amazing! Love her Seaweed Snack recipe! My daughter loves these snacks as well, so now she will follow this recipe! This is amazing - having young children really learning and understanding about whole, healthy foods and how to make healthy choices! Thank you for sharing, Ali!
I'd love to make these, but I need a place to buy nori in bulk and cheap - anyone have an idea???
Awesome! Thank you Alexine for sharing this. :)
Hi Ali, I follow the same guidelines when I buy foods that is processed, as I try to avoid GMO foods. However, I just found out online (at justlabelit.org), and I verified that with the store manager, that all TJ's products that carry the TJ label are ALWAYS made with non GMO foods. I still think canola oil is not a healthy oil, but I was very happy to find that out about TJ :)
I cannot wait to try this tomorrow! I spend way too much on these treats!
Thank you!