Adzuki Bean & Yam Hash

Ali Segersten Jan 10, 2010 25 comments

Alright, an elimination diet breakfast recipe seems to be in order! We've been enjoying this recipe all week. I just don't think it gets any better than yams, beans, and collard greens! What a nutritious way to start your day! Use this recipe during Phase 2 of our Elimination Diet. 

Tom couldn't get enough of this recipe and kept going back for more each time I made it. In fact, I keep finding his empty bowls in the office! We have been serving this over cooked quinoa with sliced avocado on top. I bet it would also be great wrapped in Napa cabbage leaves as a "burrito."


About the Author

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN

Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.

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Delicious! I continue to love your blog and recipes. Thanks!

I used this recipe as a starting point and it turned out great!
I didn't have collards and yams so I used kale and sweet potato instead. It was delicious.

Hello! I googled "adzuki beans" for recipes since I had a couple cans sitting around that I didn't know what to do with. Lo and behold, I had one big yam and had just picked up some collard greens and made this dish, adding a dash of ume plum vinegar at the end and serving it on millet. Thanks so much for the recipe!

Whoa! This is GREAT! I love eating greens and adzuki beans or mung beans for breakfast ... have occasionally added yams ... wonderful to see a real dish I can share with friends ... everyone thinks I'm a little weird to have these foods for BREAKFAST!

I'm also getting away from eating so much rice, including rice milk. Have been making fresh almond milk, so now I can enjoy quinoa more. Quinoa and rice don't go well together ... at least not in my body.

I have an Elimination Diet question, as I just started this week. Can I eat garbanzo beans/chickpeas?

My goodness what a fantastic dish! We couldn't get enough of it and my 2 1/2 year old boys enjoyed it also!! The flavours complimented each other so nicely. My husband wants to put this into a wrap next time. I'm on day 30 of the elimination diet and coming across this was a pleasant change! Thank-you!

Another Yummy Success!! I just commented on your "healing quinoa and cabbage soup" and I have to tell you - this is another tasty meal!

I love the subtle sweetness from the onions and yams. It truly adds a great dimension to this dish that I haven't had in a very long time! Food was either salty or sweet ... no in between.

This is a perfect nourishing dish!! Thanks again!! :D

I just started the Elimination diet and this is my first real meal. I couldn't wait to eat today! I munched on a whole carrot while I sauteed my Adzuki Bean & Yam Hash. I had to substitute Chinese greens for the Collard greens and go without Herbamare but it is still yummy!

I am so excited to cook this tomorrow. My cousin and I started the smoothie cleanse on Monday, and can't wait for real food. This sounds like it will be a great staple during phase 1.


Hello everyone! I do not know where to start but hope this site will be useful for me.
I will be glad to receive some assistance at the start.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

Cross contamination can really screw up a gluten free diet. Anything measuring an 1/8 of a teaspoon can reek havoc on your gut. I saw this information on the Dr. Oz show. Be care all the item you buy or labeled gluten free. Hope this helps.

I love anything hash ;-) and you're right this dish would make a great filling for burritos ... or wraps or similar.


That looks so comforting and soothing! I love love love all of the ingredients - yum =D.

A few more elimination diet questions:
Can rice flour that was milled at a facility that mills gluten products spoil the whole gluten free diet or is that more a problem for the ones that are severely allergic to gluten? Also, those on or those who has been on an elimination diet - what are your symptoms during this time and for how long?
Thank you so much for the work you do Ali!


I am actually not on the elimination diet but am really enjoying all of the healthy recipes you are sharing. I made this one for dinner last night and although my kids weren't too fond of it, I love it. It made a great breakfast this morning as well. I'm dying to try the cinnamon truffles....just need to get more dates. I'll let you know what my kids say about that one.
thanks again! Lara

A couple of quick Elimination Diet questions:
1) When should vinegar be reintroduced?
2) What's the protocol if one slips up a bit? (I'm thinking specifically of a couple of glasses of wine on an odd night out with the hubby!) Is it back to the beginning, or will a few extra days of Phase 1 suffice?


I made this today and it was fabulous! My children would never have eaten this for breakfast in the past. I guess "starving" them on green smoothies did the trick

I am posting about our family's elimination diet on my health blog

Thank you for providing this information

Thank you Tisha, I found the adzuki beans in the bulk bins at PCC. :)

This looks so yummy, I can't wait to try it!
Sadly, I'm still trying to recover from the disappointment of ruining 3/4ths of the large batch of Summer Vegetable Kitcheree I made last night...the portions I put in the freezer are totally freezer burned. :( How can I freeze portions of yummy cooked food for later so they will stay fresh? Thanks, I appreciate it!


Tried this last night with red cabbage since we had no leafy greens other than Romaine in the house! Very pretty and tasted good. Adzuki beans seem to take forever to cook, about an hour and a half and they were still crunchy. Is it possible I bought an old batch? Maybe soaking them next time will help? Also those cinammon truffles are a huge hit, had to make a second batch. Thanks for giving us some variety in delicious recipes throughout this diet! Wendy

We had this for a Phase I dinner and loved it so much I will probably eat it again for breakfast! Sauteed the beet greens and served the lentils on top.

Katie, I did find the Adzuki and Mung beans at the Fremont PCC.


Where can I buy adzuki beans? I cannot find them at either Whole Foods or PCC here in Seattle (though they may be at one location and not at the other).


All my favorite foods! Of course, you know me by now, I will soak and sprout the beans first. Plus I'm always looking for a savory dish for brekkie - thanks, Ali.
P.S. Just bought your book - can't wait to receive it!


This looks sooo good and I'm on a mission to get back to my normal eating patterns. Your adzuki bean and yam hash recipe is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner and fits nicely into what I'm eating right now. Perfect! And perfect timing. Thank you!


What a beautiful dish to put on the table! It looks SO healthy and delicious and I will definitely be trying it. Thanks for your wonderful ideas.

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