Garlic Rosemary White Bean Dip

The other day a wonderful friend came to visit us from Seattle along with her children. She brought a spread of beautiful, delicious food to share. I also cooked up a lovely white bean, olive, tomato pasta sauce to go over noodles. I had plenty of leftover white beans in the pot which I wasn't sure yet what to do with. Well, my friend suggested I make a white bean dip.
And so I did.
We have been enjoying it spread over slices of a crusty whole grain, gluten-free baguette that I have been making. My kids beg me to make this recipe almost daily now. It is a kneadable, gluten-free, vegan yeast bread I developed with very little starch and only a smidgen of xanthan gum. It is moist and dense with a flavor and that resembles 100% wheat bread. Hint: it will be in my next book.
In other news:
I received this email last November (2009) from a reader who offered this suggestion (and I think it is a great one):
".....this is the best food site i have found. i love your GF and vegan recipes! thank you so much. i've spread the word to all my friends.
here's an idea: every month ask people to send in ingredients that they would like to see a dish made out of plus any restrictions (ie, no gluten, no meat, no tomatoes, etc). pick one submission and come up with a recipe and post it. it's a fun way to get people involved but also some people have weird restrictions and it's a way to come up with something tasty for them.
that's how i found you: i wanted something with yams w/out sugar and gluten. i found your black bean soup with cabbage salad. totally excellent. i've been eating the cabbage salad every night for a week now. i'm hooked. so is everybody whom I've made it for."
So there you have it. If you have any foods lurking around your fridge needing to be used and/or you have some food restrictions, would you please leave a comment below listing a few ingredients you would like me to create a recipe from, plus any food restrictions?

About the Author
Ali Segersten
Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
Email updates.
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I would love to see some recipes for eggplant, that are creative.
All I tend to find out there are recipes for ratatouille or the old stand-by... eggplant parmesan.
Thanks much! ;o)
I'm so glad to have stumbled upon your site! I would love to cook more GF foods, but I'm not willing to add up to a cup of some kind of pure starch to the recipes, which just isn't healthy at all. I've seen several recipes on your site that do not go that route, so, Thank you and I look forward to more creative recipes from you. ~ Sally
Thanks for sharing this AMAZING recipe! I made the white bean dip for an hor d'oeurves party... To accommodate my own food sensitivity to citrus, I substituted white vinegar in place of lemon. SUPERB!
Quick, easy, and VERY TASTY! THANK YOU!
Thanks, I'm excited to see what's coming up!
For Stephanie and Metta -- in case you re-read:
The banana teff bread (muffin) recipe on the web site totally works with zero added sugar and zero xanthan gum. I love it.
(Not that I'd mind another option! Also, bean salads you like...)
I just made the dip (cheating...I used canned beans) and it's to die for!! One of my favorite recipes ever and so easy!!!
This white bean dip is amazing. It's in the blender now, still warm and I love it. I can imagine a lemony, white bean, garlic, rosemary soup too. Or this dip in place of mashed potatoes (they really taste like mashed potatoes when they're warm!). The dip goes well with quinoa seed crackers too. We're traveling today so we'll have to settle for Mary's Gone Crackers since I don't think my kitchen can handle any more.
I hope I'm not too late. I would love a TASTY recipe for kohlrabi (we get so much in our CSA) that is free of gluten, eggs and dairy. Thanks so much!
Suzanne - I believe those muffins need eggs to act as a binder and a leavening agent because of the high amount of almond meal flour. I am not sure how the recipe could be changed. Are you looking for a high protein (from ground nuts) egg-free muffin?
I have a number of gluten-free, vegan muffin recipes on this blog that you could try, though none rely on a portion of the flour being replaced for a nut meal. :)
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. It was so great to hear what you are interested in!
I have some ideas already for a few of you. Let's see what I come up with over the next few weeks! :)
I made the Cherry Almond muffins and used flax gel instead of eggs. They turned out uncooked in the middle and well done on the outside. What can I do differently to get better muffins?
"in our next book." Ali, you insufferable tease!
The white bean dip looks so good!
I'd love a banana bread (with or without nuts) made vegan, GF, sugar-free (with stevia would be great, but maybe a date puree, agave or honey), and limited xanathan gum. I personally like a moist banana bread, so it if isn't as dry as a 'normal' one, I wouldn't mind. :)
I forgot to mention, I almost fainted when you mentioned KNEADABLE gf bread! You are seriously my hero. I used to be very into artisan sourdough bread-making and seeing those cookbooks makes me sad...
I will pre-order your book whenever you are getting close to done. :)
Thanks for this recipe and all your others. I am a fan of yours on Facebook and love getting your updates...thanks! I have just ordered your book.
I would love to see the baguette recipe as I am sensitive to too much starch and also I can't overdo the xantham.
Thanks for offering this Ali! Do you have any recipes or ideas for a cheesy potato casserole without the cheese? Possibly scalloped potatoes or a hashbrown casserole? We are really missing those types of recipes. It would need to be gluten-free as well; and no soy, corn, or eggs for us. Is it even doable? I hope so!
Thank you,
I'm as new to this site as is the gluten-free diet in my life, but I became fanatic from the first instant (I ordered your book from Brussels, Belgium). My problem with the gluten-free is that I also have to be carefull with some of the grains without gluten, yeast and many other ingredients. In that sense it is very difficult for me to make a bread which is neutral to my system.
Could you think of a bread made of gluten-free flour, which does not contain corn, buckwheat, potatoes, yeast, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, hazelnut, almonds, honey, eggs, whatever type of animal milk, soja and possibly any kind of sweets (except stevia).
The only thing I came across was Irish soda bread, but I'd have to replace the buttermilk by ricemilk and lemon.
I am always trying to figure out more ways to get veggies in my children. Aside from green smoothies, which they love, do you have any ideas for this?
We are gluten-free, dairy-free, can eat eggs and soy. Thanks so much!
I love this - sounds like a great snack, or even a lunch, with a few bites of veggies and fruit mixed in!
Hi Ali and Tom,
Recipe looks great, as usual! You have me hankering for that baguette recipe now. :)
I listened to your interview about the elimination informative. Really enjoyed it. Thanks!
How about a muffin, without any sugar,dairy,gluten,egg and soy. I have all these allergies and I am doing a candida diet for another month. I really miss muffins. Maybe it can be made out of corn. I can eat that. :) Thanks! I love your site, and your cookbook!
Next book?! Hooray! Any ideas when it might be finished?
A main dish with asparagus would be good.
Millet is one of my favorites! The peachy muffins in your cookbook are out of this world! I would love to see a savory muffin recipe of some sort. Muffins are quick to bake and easy to freeze to have on hand if you don't have time to cook/bake that day, but just about all recipes I ever see are sweet. Something with herbs or even some veggie pieces and optional cheese type thing.
Evaline...try the Garlic and Sesame Spinach from the cookbook...super tasty!!
Ok, I will start -
I often buy large bags of spinach at the grocery, but I'm only one person so it can take a lot of smoothies/salads to use it up.
I have a standby recipe - spinach souffle - which is yummy, but also full of eggs and cheese.
I would love, love a spinach recipe that is savory (not a salad, though I love those) and is vegan as well as gluten-free and corn-free.
Ok, I hope that is not too much! Thanks for the offer, this is my favorite recipe site as well. :)
I'd love to see a salsa recipe free of hot peppers that still has a lot of flavor and zing. Thanks!
Wow, great recipe ... I'm practically drooling over that bread with the white bean dip. Total yum!
Great idea on seeking help from you as one of our recipe creators and experts! I can't think of anything right now, but that's only because it's early and I'm not fully awake yet. ;=-)