Maple Caramel Corn
If you are craving something sweet and simple this holiday season then this recipe might be quite perfect. Making your own caramel corn using maple syrup is quick and easy! Bring a bowlful to your next holiday party or place it in a holiday tin and give it as a gift to a teacher. All you need to make this is an 8-quart pot, a small saucepan, two large bowls, and a large cookie sheet.
I've made this recipe using both butter and coconut oil. Using butter creates a more traditional caramel flavor, however, using coconut oil creates a bouquet of flavors that makes the caramel corn quite addicting. Pictured here is the recipe made using coconut oil.
I have two more giveaways to share with you today, so please scroll on down and leave a comment to enter to win one of these amazing cookbooks!

About the Author
Ali Segersten
Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Sweet! Look forward to this.
My husband and I love plaing popcorn, but our daughter likes hers all fancied up. I think this will be a winner in our family!
Carmel corn is going to be a great Christmas gift from this poor Naturopathic medical student, to her mom who loves popcorn very much.
Please enter me for the chance to win, the books!
I love your online recipes! I would love to have your cookbook too! My husband has diabetes and I have rheumatoid arthritis and since using your recipes, we have noticed improvements in our health. Thank you!
Thanks so much for creating this one, time to add one more thing to the "make before Christmas" list.
Not entering the giveaway, but love the caramel corn, Ali! The purchased stuff is so bad for one. So smart to combine the giveaways ... I think I'll copy that! I'm running out of days to do all my posts before Christmas. ;-)
I'm not on Twitter, but I did just find your page on FB and shared your post, so I'm entering again for a cookbook. :) I follow your blog, but hadn't noticed you were also on there. I'm amazed at how great the gluten-free community is on Facebook!
Thanks so much for posting this healthier caramel popcorn recipe. How timely! Would love to win the book by Isaiah's mom. V.S.
Thanks for the contest! I would love to win and if not, will check out the books. Thanks so much!
Learning to live gluten free in Indiana...Kendra
And Facebooked it, too:
That Cooking for Isaiah GF-DF cookbook is calling my name!! ;-)
looks delicious. Would love to win the cookbook.
I have also tweeted this:!/
Ooops....forgot to say that we'll be using sorghum pops for this recipe instead of the popped corn :) - Kathryn
Love your recipes. Can't wait to try. And I'd love the books. Gluten free, dairy free, corn free, sometimes egg free family! kathryn
I was, honest-to-goodness, going to check online today to see if I could find a corn-syrup & dairy-free caramel corn recipe today. It was a bit of kismet to see this post turn up in my email inbox today. :)
And to see that there is an entry to boot? Well, that is just great!
I am excited to make this caramel corn recipe for a New Year's Eve games party, I will attend. We like to have food on which we can nibble, while still playing the games. I'm sure it will be a big hit! Also, I have shared your website with a friend who's been recently-diagnosed with celiac's disease. I hope the added information and recipes are helping to make her new diet lifestyle a bit easier. And, I would love to win either one of these cookbooks! My email address is:
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway and for serving as an endless resource of great recipes!
I can't wait to try this!
Thanks for having a raffle. I would love either cookbook to spice up the holiday season!!
Looks delicious! I'd love to win one of these cookbooks. :)
I shared this post on Facebook.
I shared this post on Twitter.
What an amazing gift! I'd love to receive a tin of this...but I guess I'll just have to make my own. :)
Can't have too many cookbooks! Thanks for having such a great giveaway!
I love this web-site! I haven't heard of these cookbooks, but would love to win one! Thanks for all of your recipes!
My son will love this recipe! This is a definite keeper. Thanks Ali!
I can't wait to make this popcorn! YUM! :)
Oooh I can't wait to make this popcorn!! :)
HiAli! I already bought GDF based on your recommendation, but I would love to try the other one!
As to caramel corn, I wish I could but I am sensitive. I am interested if you or any readers have good suggestions for corn replacements... I have trouble with things like southwest soups, etc where there is no obvious sub!
I subscribe to your email newsletter. The carmel corn looks sooo good!
Marcella F
This pop corn sounds delightful! I am going to have to try this.
I would love to win one of these amazing cookbooks! Thanks, Emily P
Thanks for your supportive blog for me and my gf, casein free and sugar free girls.
The popcorn looks amazing; our family has really been enjoying coconut oil, so think I might try it with this.Recently saw a recipe for rosemary popcorn; toss some fresh rosemary in while corn is popping!
Jennifer S.
Thank you for your supportive and informative blog. It is a gift for me and my 3 gf,casein free and sugar free girls.
We would love to check out those books at our house.
Wow, a little treat at christmas, without all the guilt. Although, a little chocolate drizzled might be wonderful :)
Oh wow! This recipe looks amazing!!! And so do those recipe books :)
Oh wow. This recipe looks amazing!!! And so do those recipe books :)
I love that you used coconut oil in this caramel corn recipe. I've been meaning to try a coconut oil based toffee/caramel/something. Glad to know it works!
Oh wow! This recipe looks amazing!!! And so do those recipe books :)
My son has multiple food allergies. Since finding your website, I have tried quite a few of your recipes. Every single one has been a HUGE hit. Your cookbook is high on my Christmas wish list. =)
Thank you, thank you!
I tweeted about this post!!!
I shared this post on FB!
How awesome it is that you posted this recipe tonight! My daughter was just asking tonight for some caramel corn with nuts to make for Christmas! I was so excited to see this post, already printed and will be making it tomorrow. going to add some cashews and almonds! And would love to win either of these cookbooks!!!
I hope I can have corn. I haven't tested it yet since starting the elimination diet in July. I'd really like a few more treats over the holidays.
As my little grandson would say, "Yummy, Yummy!"
as someone who is currently gluten-free and about to go completely dairy and sugar free...HOORAY!
on another note, this post comes on the heels of a long discussion i had with my mother today about christmas caramel corn memories. perfect!
I would love to win one of these cookbooks! Sweeny :-)
The carmel corn looks fantastic! We make our regular popcorn with coconut oil on the stove...looking forward to trying this soon!
Would love to win either of these cookbooks. We are an all GF family and mostly dairy free. Thanks for the opportunity!
Anne P