Homemade Hemp Milk
Making your own hemp milk is easier than buying it! Plus by making your own, you don't get any extra added ingredients, just pure creamy goodness. However, since there are no added flavorings, this milk tastes a lot like hemp seeds (as it should) so the flavor might be a tad stronger if you are accustomed to store-bought hemp milk. I buy Nutiva shelled hemp seeds in bulk through amazon.com. I like to store a jar of them in the refrigerator and the rest in the freezer to keep them fresh.
Use this milk for baking, in pancakes, as a dairy-free milk base for smoothies, poured over whole grain breakfast porridge, or just for drinking. It stores best in the refrigerator in a sealed glass jar or pitcher for 3 to 4 days. The small glass pitcher you see in these photos is from our local food co-op. I actually have two different sizes, both which have really nice lids that screw on. I store my homemade almond milk and cashew milk in these glass pitchers as well.
Homemade hemp milk is also suitable for anyone following an Elimination Diet. It can be used in all phases of the diet! Hemp seeds are high in easily digested protein, if fact, they contain all 20 known amino acids!

About the Author
Ali Segersten
Alissa Segersten holds a Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University and a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States. She is a Functional Nutritionist, the mother of five children, a whole foods cooking instructor, professional recipe developer, and cookbook author. She is passionate about helping others find a diet that will truly nourish them. Alissa is the author of two very popular gluten-free, whole foods cookbooks and guidebooks: The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook and Nourishing Meals. She is also the co-author of The Elimination Diet book. Alissa is the founder and owner of Nourishing Meals®.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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I just made it in my Kitchenaid blender and it's beyond easy! I strained it, but next time I'm just going to let the pulp fall to the bottom. I didn't add any maple syrup and it tasted fine to me. DH said he'd use it in his protein shake. I will definitely use it in baking too. DS #2, who has never been a milk drinker, drank it w/o any fuss! I'm sure DS #1 won't notice any difference in his cereal or chocolate milk either!
Does anyone know if I can make yogurt from it?
Thank yoU!!!
I have to try this! I quit using hemp milk because it got so expensive and almond milk was so much cheaper but I really need the Omega-3's in the hemp in my diet especially during these gray Seattle winters. Off to check the price on Amazon.
I totally agree Ali - making hemp milk is the easiest! I use the Nutiva shelled hemp seed in a regular Oster blender (the old-time type) and I don't strain the hemp milk. It does result is a little black residue in the bottom of the jar but I just throw that residue away when the jar is finished. (maybe 1 tsp) I tried straining it the first time and spent a great deal of time trying to squeeze out the pulp through cheesecloth or a nut bag. Way too long for as little residue as it left.
Are the hemp seeds you buy on Amazon certified gluten-free? Do you subscribe and save on Amazon? If you do, is it working out good for you?
I cannot wait to try this! Right now I buy So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk, but I would much rather make something without all the extras in it.
Still hoping you will post your coconut yogurt recipe! Thanks!!!! You are like part of our family - the kids will ask "Is this one Ali's recipe?" ;0) Too cute.
I love hemp seeds. I have all of the ingredients-yeah! Making this later this afternoon-so excited!
Could you use the pulp in cookies/cakes? Any ideas? I know its not totally wasteful to compost, but is there any reason not to use it? I'm not familiar with hemp at all, so I'm just being totally earnest in asking here.
do you have any tips for those of us using unshelled hemp seeds?
Hi Ramona, yes I've used cheesecloth to strain out the pulp before I finally bought a nut milk bag. A clean bar dish towel (non-terry cloth) works well too.
Will cheese cloth work the same to drain it through?