Moroccan Chickpea and Potato Soup

Today I offer you an easy, warming soup recipe from my cookbook, The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook. This is by far one of my family's favorite recipes. I probably make it about twice a week! My seven-year old loves to pack this soup in her lunch. Of course anything with curry and potatoes is sure to please her!
My children adore chickpeas (otherwise known as garbanzo beans). They even eat them plain for breakfast with cooked quinoa and a sprinkling of sea salt.
I have more Phase 2 Elimination Diet recipes to share in a few days. But for now enjoy this very flavorful vegetarian soup recipe (or cook it up for your children).

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Hello Ali,
I am really excited to begin making your soups (I can eat soups in any season) it doesn't need to be cold, lol. In any case, can't wait to try your lentil soups. I do have a question. Do I have to use olive oils in them? I ask because I don't use olive oil in applications where there is heat above room temperature. I don't like to denature or degrade my olive oil with excess heat (olive oil is generally not stable in saute temperatures). Would coconut oil work in your lentil soups? I'd prefer o use a high heat oil for this, and I love coconut oil, its my favorite of all the Essential Fatty Acids.
Was wondering what your thoughts are.
This recipes was delicious. We made it for supper last night and served up some gluten free cornbread on the side. The recipe easily made over eight 2-cup servings. I enjoyed it so much I'm going to serve it at the spiritual retreat centre I work at in two weeks.
Would you happen to have nutritional information for this recipe? Number of servings, calories, nutrients, etc?
I made this a couple of nights ago and it was just awesome. Only changes I made were using 1/2 potatoes and 1/2 yams (I didn't have enough potatoes) and less water so that it was more stew than soup.
Thank you!
We made this recipe. The only changes we made were less water, a tbsp of vegan gluten-free bullion, a tad more on the spices.
Turned out great.
Baguettes? Is that a recipe coming soon, or do you happen to have the good fortune of living near a gf bakery?
The soup looks yummy as usual! We'll certainly be making it soon.
Ali, this is my son's favorite soup. He is going on a ski trip too Quebec this coming weekend and he is able to bring food with him. This was his first request!As a mom this was a great compliment to now that I am doing some right when he chooses some nutritious over fast food.
My sons all love the soup and their friends too.
Definitely this soup is a stable in our home. It freezes well too!
Thanks so much Ali for your amazing recipes.
Please post the baguette recipe when you get a chance! It looks so there's not many recipes for "crusty" type gluten free breads that are actually good. But this one looks fantastic. Thanks for the revised soup recipe, looks yummy :-)
I second the motion for providing your recipe for a whole-grain GF baguette! Pairs well with tasty soup!
I have been in soup heaven this week! This looks to be a staple, here, too - especially since I now have your cookbook;-)
The bread looks very that recipe somewhere?
Another fun GF dinner party!
What a coincidence -- I had picked this recipe out of your cookbook to make tonight! the beans are soaking right now :) I'm sure it will be as yummy as all your other recipes -- thanks!!
Let's try this again. Thank you for posting this today! You read my mind, it is exactly what I was dreaming up for dinner. Yum!
You have to have THE most colorful, beautiful dishes of just about anyone, Ali. Gorgeous and so appealing. I've found I love using chickpeas in soup. They give a nice little bit of crunchiness and, of course, are packed with goodness. And, enjoying the potato part ... well, that goes without saying. I'm adding this to my "to make" list right now.
I'm intrigued on the baguette, too.
The GFDP has been an especially great one, don't you think?
YUM! Your GF whole grain baguette also looks great. Was that something you made from scratch? Great work!