Maple Caramel Corn
If you are craving something sweet and simple this holiday season then this recipe might be quite perfect. Making your own caramel corn using maple syrup is quick and easy! Bring a bowlful to your next holiday party or place it in a holiday tin and give it as a gift to a teacher. All you need to make this is an 8-quart pot, a small saucepan, two large bowls, and a large cookie sheet.
I've made this recipe using both butter and coconut oil. Using butter creates a more traditional caramel flavor, however, using coconut oil creates a bouquet of flavors that makes the caramel corn quite addicting. Pictured here is the recipe made using coconut oil.
I have two more giveaways to share with you today, so please scroll on down and leave a comment to enter to win one of these amazing cookbooks!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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wow that popcorn looks so yummy. We just got a gift bag of some similar popcorn. How great to have a recipe to make some at home!
I recently went to my local bookstore looking for a cookbook with gluten free and dairy free recipes. And could not find a single one! It is great to know about these, as my niece has also just realized that she has both of these sensitivities. I also am glad to see the review of the diary free book, as I do not have a cookbook with this focus yet. Thanks for being such a wonderful resource!
Love the popcorn recipe. A sweet treat that works for me. I'd love to win either cookbook to help me along the way with my ongoing food journey. I love to keep experimenting and figuring out what makes me feel my best. Thanks for a great resoure with your blog!
Fun! I'm going to try this with grapeseed oil since I've had success carmelizing nuts using that.
So glad I checked your site out today. I was thinking "I want to find a healthier version of carmel corn to bring to a cub scout meeting" and here it is! Just this fall I found your site and love the recipes. While snowed in last Sat. made a big batch of candied walnuts for gifts, so yummy, and I use to hate walnuts! Next on my list to bake is your GF chocolate cake (besides the carmel corn). Thank you.
Thank you for posting this recipe! I am very excited to make some caramel corn that I can enjoy, withOUT HFCS or dairy (I'll go all-coconut oil). I think this will definitely be worthy of adding to the treats I'm making and giving to neighbors next week. Various flavors of homemade Chex Mix, and Maple Caramel Corn - YUM! Thanks again :)
What a great idea! Going to have to try this soon.
And the books in the giveaway look fantastic! I love trying new recipes :)
Thank you Ali- I will try this with coconut oil since we are dairy-free!
I would love to win either of these cookbooks since I've had to throw most of mine out after finding out my daughter needs to eat gluten-free AND dairy-free!
Thank goodness for you and Kelly Brozyna- you have shown me a whole new way to cook for my family!
Bless you!
I'm excited a out the caramel corn and am thinking of adding almonds to it! I enjoy you recipes and am thankful for them. Dawn
We looove our popcorn snack every night!! THanks :P
Looks WONDERFUL!!!!! - Jodi D.
mmm, maple caramel corn! you know what's crazy!? i just read that you can pop amaranth like popcorn... and you can bet that i'll be trying it this holiday!!!
yay! another generous giveaway *and* another chance to win kelly's new cookbook! how awesome! thanks, ali :)
good luck and happy holidays to everyone! take care.
Such a great idea! Might have to steal it for Christmas gifts!
Would love to win!!!
Ali, I've been making similar variations of this corn and am going to post my favorite on my blog soon! I'll be sure to try your recipe too!
I've been wanting a recipe that replaces corn syrup for my baked carmel corn (a holiday staple at our house). Thank you for this! By the way, I have had great success freezing my baked carmel corn. It helps get some of it out of sight so we can enjoy it later!
I would LOVE a cookbook! We are a gf family who uses very little dairy, but could use some help with more recipes!
Thanks! Sahnya
I was just looking for something sweet to take to a party and the maple corn will be perfect!!!!
Love your website.
Love your posts.
Would love to win a cookbook!
I would love to win a cookbook. Do you know when is your second one coming out? Your first cookbook is always on my countertop!
Thank you for a great blog!
Enter my name for the giveaway!
Thank you for all of your wonderful creations. I've been following your blog for the past year now. I'm a Naturopathic student who still finds time to cook between studying thanks to you!
I'd love a new cookbook for more GF/DF recipe ideas. Best to you and yours this holiday!!
The carmel corn sounds great! We are going to make it right now for my kid's piano recital/party. Thanks for making something yummy and EASY! We would love to win one of the cookbooks as we are trying to get away from wheat products but am feeling a bit overwhelmed. It would be lovely to have a beautiful cookbook to inspire me us to better health! Thanks so much for making your recipes avaliable to all. They are wonderful!
I need some serious cookbook updates on my bookshelves. The ones I have no longer fit with the healthy new way that I want to eat!
That popcorn looks amazing Ali! I love that the coconut oil adds something special too.
Well, I obviously don't need a copy of Go Dairy Free, but would love to win the other book!
I shared this post on Facebook!
I can't wait to try this caramel corn! I've been missing that since cutting back on sugar, but this version sounds amazing.
I would love to win either of those cookbooks! my email is
Glad to share on FB! Love your blog...
Just shared this post on FB. ;-)
I've rediscovered my love for popping popcorn at home. This will be my next venture. . .tonight!
These cookbooks look great! And so does the maple corn...looking forward to making some this weekend...Jill
I have a feeling I'll get a lot of use out of this recipe this season. It looks delicious! I'd get a lot out of the cookbooks too!
This caramel corn looks delicious and would make a great gift for anyone. Please enter me in the drawings. I would love to win any of these books. Thanks for your recipes - - I always enjoy them! Melissa
Great giveaways!
Wow Ali! This is so generous of you! My gluten and dairy free daughter would do cartwheels if we won!
Thank you,
Love your recipes and hope you'll be at one of Dr. Wangen's monthly meetings sometime again. I'd like to reduce the fat in this - but will probably just increase the amount of popcorn and keep everything else the same. I am gluten-dairy-egg free and low sugar/fat, which can be challenging but in a good way! Would love either cookbook. jeannebarnum atsign yahoo dot com
I'm new to gluten and dairy free and this sounds like a great recipe! I'm on the diet due to fibromyalgia and wanting to stay away from traditional medications if possible. My loving husband is doing the diet with me to be supportive! I will enjoy surprising him with this yummy looking popcorn to say thanks... he deserves it!
Keep the recipes coming and cookbooks are greatly needed for my new life!
Thank you for another great recipe. I use your cookbook all the time!
Thank you for reoffering all those books! I hope I win one cookbook!!I always follow your blog, it is full of information, thanks!
Michael S. says,
I have been experimenting with different ways to improve my health and lose weight. My Dr. has told we to eliminate wheat and dairy and try to be Gluten Free. Your recipes inspire me as their are many ways to do this any still eat good tasting and healthy food. My next step is to eliminate sugar. I am a good part of the way there on doing that. Eating out is the problem for all these things. My wife loves popcorn and especially caramel corn. I can't wait for her to try this.
I can't wait to try this - a dairy free, naturally gluten free caramel corn! Awesome!
Enter me in! Maggie M
Thank you. I have been looking for a healthy caramel corn recipe.
The caramel corn looks very tasty! I think I will make some for family this weekend!
I would love to win either one of these lovely cookbooks! I have had each of them bookmarked for quite some time.
My kids will love the maple popcorn. We love your blog and cookbook! The more DF,GF,cookbooks the merrier!
I would love to win one of the cookbooks--just in time for Christmas!
:-) Christa
Yum! I am going to try this recipe tonight for movie night! :)
pandy245 at yahoo dot com
This is so tasty and easy to make!
Mmmmm! I was just thinking of making carmel corn. Its one of my husband's childhood favorites!
We've been gluten free for a while and just found out yesterday that we've got to go dairy free also. Great giveaway, thanks!
- Megan @ The Healing Fork
This would be an awesome addition to my new cookbook library! Sonya B - sonya blair at gmail dot com
I would LOVE the Cooking for Isaiah cookbook, as I already have the other one. thanks for an awesome giveaway!!
cropwithme at cox dot net