Grapefruit, Radish, Cabbage Salad
For the past few months, citrus and cabbage have become some of my favorite two foods! This scrumptious salad combines them both. I use napa cabbage which is a very mild, tender cabbage. It is also a favorite vegetable of our children. My oldest daughter likes to pack napa cabbage in her lunch! All four of our children devour this salad in no time!
Tom and I also have some more news......we are having another baby! This explains the cravings. All I have wanted to eat is cabbage, raw or cooked, and also raw sauerkraut. Also any kind of citrus works really well. The all day nauseousness finally subsided last week and now I am feeling great! Baby number five is due at the end of the summer. I've also been working on finishing the next cookbook. Can't wait to tell you more about it!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Add Comment
Sounds delicious. I love grapefruit in salads, particularly in combination with avocado. Thanks for all of your great recipes and congrats on #5!
So much excitement - new baby, new book! Congrats! And this salad? I'm so going to have to try this. Might just become a new favorite. Yum.
I have to admit...when I read this post I was skeptical! But I gave it a try and it is fabulous! Thanks for the great recipe!
This looks absolutely delicious, so pretty and fresh! Its getting me into the mood for summer, cant wait to try this for a picnic some day!
Congratulations on the baby! Hope all goes well.
Teenie Foodie
Congrats on baby #5! I'm expecting my first any day now!
You have been nominated for the
Peace and Raw Health,
I think your blog is awesome and that's why I'm giving you a 'Stylish Blogger Award' - Yeah for you! Head over to my blog to find out what to do next. You totally deserve it.
Thanks everyone for the thoughtful comments! I am sure you'll be hearing more about pregnancy cravings from now on and recipes to go along with them! ;-)
Congratulations!!!!! The salad looks great. I craved grapefruit soooo much when I was pregnant with my first. Wishing you an easy pregnancy and birth! <3
I've been making a similar salad with cabbage, kale, carrots, and grapefruit. I love the tangy, sweet taste of grapefruit with the crisp, fresh taste of cabbage.
Oh wow congratulations! So wonderful!!! (And the salad looks good too!) :)
This looks fantastic! I'm always looking for new and fresh salad ideas.
Wonderful combination--actually one of my favorites. I like it with pummelo too.
We have 5 children as well--congratulations. I too had the all day nausea with all five!! Oh that was tough. Nice to feel better isn't it?
Peace and Raw Health,
Congrats Ali!!!
Can't wait to try this salad, nice and crisp and fresh for spring. Definitely what I'm craving now too!
Congratulations! I am also due at the end of summer with our fourth. I love your recipes and can't wait for your new cookbook. Thanks for all you do!
Congratulations on baby number five! What a blessing.
This sounds really intersting - and just in time for a change into fresh sping weather and food! Really needed this recipe! Congrats on your "little bundle of joy"! ;-)
Now you've got me craving cabbage and grapefruit! So glad you're feeling better. My sister is about 7 months pregnant and dealt with all-day nausea for the first 4 months. She still has trouble if she eats too many raw veggies, but citrus and cabbage are two things she can do. I'll be sure to pass this recipe on to her! :)
YES! Yes, yes, yes! I am SO excited for your next cookbook and to have an idea of when it's coming out. Can't wait!
And congratulations to you both on your bundle-to-be! Thrilled for you! :)
Congratulations on the new family member on the way!
We like napa cabbage a lot, too -- in fact, this salad has 3 of my husband's favorites in it. Thanks!
A new baby--that's wonderful news! What a joyful blessing for your family! Best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy Ali. :)
Ali--Gorgeous salad, marvelous news on the new baby coming, plus the new cookbook (woohoo!), and, finally, you are so modest about your monthly contributions to Martha Stewart's site! I'm so happy for you on all counts and appreciate your new delicious recipe (well, two counting your one on Whole Living). :-)
What wonderful and great news, Ali! Congratulations to you and Tom!
Baby #5 is getting a great healthy start with your cravings.
I will have to find the Napa cabbage today at the store This recipe looks delicious! The combination of fruit and veggies might just get my kids to try cabbage.
Lots of love,
Congratulations on your exciting news! I am currently expecting too. It is my first. Such an exciting time! All the best to you and your lovely family :O)
Congratulations on baby #5! Here's to big families! =)
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Napa cabbage is one of my favorites. I love the "boat-shaped" leaves. They are perfect for various salads. I like putting salmon salad into the leaves. Love the idea of grapefruit mixed into this salad of yours. I hate to admit it, but I've never been a huge fan of radishes (I know, I know). Mixing the radishes in with citrus might change things for me. Brilliant!
Thanks, Ali and I'm thrilled to hear your news!
Your salad looks so light and refreshing. We've plowed through two bags of grapefruit in the past week and I still want more.