Easy Homemade Pizza Sauce Recipe
Pizza! Yay! Today I am sharing my recipe for homemade pizza sauce. And do you know what that means? Yes, a gluten-free pizza crust recipe to come soon!
This sauce is so easy to make. I use a 7-ounce glass jar of Bionaturae organic tomato paste to start. Then I mix in olive oil, honey, salt, and herbs. That's it! Pictured here is a triple batch. We are visiting with family right now so large batches are the norm these days.
Our two girls and their two cousins played restaurant tonight complete with hand written menus, aprons, and wine! This pizza sauce with a Gluten-Free and Yeast-Free Buckwheat Crust, Homemade Gluten-Free Seed Crackers with apples and french sheep cheese, a large Pear Pomegranate Salad, Whole Grain Flatbread, freshly made butternut squash lasagna with Macadamia Nut Cheese, Vanilla Tapioca Pudding, and a sparkling hibiscus cooler were all on the menu! It was quite a feast for all 12 of us.
Luckily the adults got to relax while the girls busily took orders and ran back and forth from the dining room to the kitchen carrying plates of food!

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Hi! We loved your sauce. Just thought I'd let you know that since I had only a 6-oz can of tomato paste, I added a couple of TBS of pumpkin puree that needed to be used up, and it worked great that way!
Thanks all, enjoy! I'll post the gluten-free seed cracker recipe sometime in the next few weeks.
Jennifer - As far as the smoothies go, you can add extra pear or less greens or simply add a few drops of liquid stevia to the smoothie for added sweetness. My boys don't seem to care how bitter they are, they just love them. When they hear the vita-mix going they run into the kitchen, pull open the cup drawer and hand us their cups to be filled (even if i am making a "cream" soup)!
Happy New Year! -Ali :)
How did you know?! We made pizza yesterday (GF from a mix) and I thought that while it was ok, next time I wanted to try and make the crust from scratch. Looking forward to your recipe. Thanks also for the info on the jared tomato paste. I just read about how bad the tomato in a can is for you. I'll be looking for this brand next time I go to the health food store.
Fabulous! I love pizza, and a homemade pizza sauce will make it that much better =D.
I think my gluten free cooking repertoire would be complete with a yummy pizza dough recipe!
What's the trick to making a milder green smoothie? D. is seeming to prefer purple these days and I miss the days when she'd eagerly request green since it is an easy way to sneak some great greens into a little belly.
I found a store that specializes in gluten-free whole foods while visiting Fayetteville, NC. It was called the Apple Crate on Raeford Road. What a treat!
Hi Ali and Tom,
I enjoy reading the adorable stories of your children. I just looked through your cook book and blog and couldn't find the seed cracker recipe. If you have time, would you please share this recipe.
Thank you again, Lillian B.
Oh thank you! I love that this sauce recipe is sugar-free! I was just searching through your blog the day after Christmas for a pizza recipe. Soooo looking forward to the crust recipe too!
We made the molasses cookies for Christmas eve and they were so yummy! Everyone love them.
I wish I'd had this recipe last week! We did a quick pizza after Christmas (also GF, but not with buckwheat flour--looking forward to your version!). I put a regular tomato sauce on top, which was great, but I've always wanted to use a specifically "pizza"-oriented sauce. Looking forward to your ideas and thoughts about cleansing, too. :)
This sounds really yum! I can't wait for the gluten free pizza base recipe to come as well! :)