15-Minute Poached Salmon
The other day, while Tom was out of town, I got home from running a few errands at 5pm. The kids were all hungry and ready for dinner….like now! I had a beautiful fillet of wild Coho salmon which I had bought the previous day, ready to be seasoned and baked. My friend who was helping out with the kids thought I should use some of the blueberries we still had sitting on the counter waiting to be processed and frozen. Mashed blueberries with ginger to top the salmon was her idea. I thought yum, but I don’t have time for that right now.
I mean, I had two crying 1-year olds pulling on my legs. Poached salmon came to mind. With a thin fillet like I had, 10 minutes cooking time is all that is needed. Add five minutes of prep time and you get 15-minute Poached Salmon.
Serve it over brown rice noodles with a green salad for a 15 minute meal! How is that for healthy and quick?Start a pot of water to boil before you prep the salmon. Add the noodles, place the salmon on the stove to cook, prep a salad or steam green beans. Dinner is done, kids in the bath, bedtime early…..ahhhh take a breath, relax.

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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Do you remove the skin from the salmon before or after poaching? I can't believe such a big piece of fish cooks in so little time!
Thanks Jessie! :)
15min!! Now I LIKE the sound of that! :)
Jessie at Blog Schmog
Brian - Thanks, just made this again for dinner tonight along with polenta and a bunch of veggies from our garden. It is very simple and delicious! :)
Great idea for a quick dinner. Looks delicious.
Linda - Thanks, it is one of those quick and easy meals that tastes delish! :)
Amy - Thanks, I bet you guys will like this. I will create a recipe soon using blueberries and salmon since we just picked another 23 pounds of them today! :)
We've been much more salmon here lately than usual. It's quick, delicious, and healthy. I haven't served it with pasta, though, which sounds delicious. Joe's been asking for salmon again - I think I'll make this for him.
The mashed blueberries with ginger sounds great, too - maybe you'll post that soon!
I've never served salmon with a tomato sauce. I'll have to try it. Sounds like a wonderful quick meal. Thanks for sharing it.
Diane - Thanks! Hope you all enjoyed it! By the way, I come up with new recipes when there is a high demand for them. I had planned on baking the salmon, roasting some veggies, making a salad, and cooking a pot of quinoa but I got home later than expected and clearly there wasn't time for that. My mind instantly came up with this. I thought I would measure as I made it to be able to share it. My boys ate it by the fist full they liked it so much! :) When I was growing up, my mom made us eggs and toast for dinner if there wasn't time for anything else. She can't believe that I would take the time to come up with anything new when the kids are hungry like that, but really it just happens so I go with it. And this meal is sooo fast! :)
Erica - Hope you enjoy! I just love all of the fresh wild salmon we are able to get out here! :)
Shirley - I think this meal could be considered GFE, don't you? :) Garlic mashed potatoes are my favorite, especially when whipped with a good olive oil! I don't know why, but coming up with new meal ideas is actually easier when everyone is hungry - strange I know! :)
CoconutGal - Thanks for the feedback, what a happy coincidence, glad I could help with dinner tonight! Using a mixture of wine vinegar and water is a great way to replace wine in a recipe, thanks for sharing that! :)
-Ali :)
Scrumptious Ali! This was easy to prepare and delicious. I too, had some fresh coho in the fridge and hardly any time to make dinner. Then in my inbox I see your blog post, yay dinner! We loved it. I didn't have any wine so I used some wine vinegar and water. Yummy and I still have extra pasta sauce so I think I'll make it again in a few days :-)
I'm surprised that you could come up with any dinner with two little ones pulling on your legs, but I guess that is status quo some days. You rock and gorgeous dish. You know my love of salmon. We ate an early dinner out after a memorial service this evening and I happily went for the salmon, garlic mashed potatoes, and asparagus ... and even brought some home. :-) I like how you use some sauce, but just a little. Delish. Thank you, Ali!
Thanks for the suggestion! Coho and Copper River salmon are the best-tasting salmon I've ever had. I would not touch the farmed stuff (unless I happen to get stuck at a sushi restaurant like I did this past Saturday).
I always love what you share but this one just moved to the top of my list. I'll be needing a 10 min meal tonight. I'm stopping on the way home and getting some salmon. I hope it's still on sale. I think while this is cooking I'm also going to saute zucchini. My kids are older so I have a few more minutes to cook. You my friend are amazing. When my kids were young they were lucky if they got to eat more than a bowl of cereal or McDonald's. They're still telling me I ruined them.
Thank you for this great recipe!