Gluten-Free, Vegan Apple Crisp Recipe
We really are not just about sweets here. Really, we're not! But this week it seems we are, huh. Hope some of you enjoyed the White Nectarine Ice Cream I posted last weekend. More main dish recipes to come next week I promise!
Since I will be going out of town for four days I thought it was high time for another delicious giveaway. This awesome giveaway is for 2 pounds of coconut sugar! I used coconut sugar from Essential Living Foods to make this fabulous gluten-free apple crisp.
What is Coconut Sugar?
Coconut sugar is a low glycemic granulated sweetener with a glycemic index of 35. Compare that to honey of 75, agave nectar of 30, pure maple syrup of 54, or sugar (sucrose) of 95. Coconut sugar or coconut palm sugar as it is also called is made from the dried sap of the coconut palm blossom. Sounds lovely doesn't it? But what does it taste like?
I find the taste mild with slight molasses undertones, possibly even a little like maple syrup. The flavors marry well with spices, which will be quite perfect for your autumn baking needs. Coconut sugar can be substituted 1 for 1 in baking. Use it where you would use brown sugar, Sucanat, or white sugar. I used it in my apple crisp recipe with absolutely delicious results! I have used it before in cookies and muffins and it works great. I have also used it to proof yeast with great results as well. Those with cane sugar allergies will find this sugar suitable for their needs.

About the Author
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN
Alissa Segersten, MS, CN, is the founder of Nourishing Meals®, an online meal-planning membership with over 1,800 nourishing recipes and tools to support dietary change and better health. As a functional nutritionist, professional recipe developer, and author of The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook, Nourishing Meals, and co-author of The Elimination Diet, she helps people overcome health challenges through food. A mother of five, Alissa understands the importance of creating nutrient-dense meals for the whole family. Rooted in science and deep nourishment, her work makes healthy eating accessible, empowering thousands to transform their well-being through food.Nourishing Meals Newsletter
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THis crisp looks fantastic! I"ve been looking at coconut sugar at a local natural foods store here in Minneapolis (Traditional Foods of Minnesota), and have wanted to give it a try. They also sell coconut vinegar, which looks intriguing - have you tried? Oooh, I hope I win, I want to try the coconut sugar! And I want to eat your apple crisp!
Kim -
Wow, love the picture and I love apple crisp. I had never heard of coconut sugar, sounds wonderful.
Thanks for chance to win some.
Karen Kraus - Calgary AB
Yes, please, enter me in the coconut sugar drawing. Thanks. sc
A new baking adventure! Any recommendations on brand name and where to find it locally?
Where I am in The City, doesn't have a working oven...but then, I am too busy to recreate here my kitchen :o), so I will have to wait til my return in November.
Thanks for sharing the info about coconut sugar. I didn't know that it existed! The crisp recipe looks yummy. can't wait to try it.
I have your blog on my FB so everyone can experience your creative healthy cooking.
I LOVE COCONUT SUGAR! I've been using it for a few months now and I'm obsessed. Now, I can't wait to try it in this crisp recipe because... well... I am a huge fan of crisps, too :) Go figure... I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and I check it every day, I love it it so much. Thank you for every thing you do!
~Desirée D.
Hi there,
Recipe looks delicious! I recently sampled coconut sugar at a food fair. Completely agree with your description. Thanks for your yummy recipes!
Coconut sugar, hmm? Sounds fabulous! Would love to try it! I think I will do some baking this weekend.
Terry Christie
That looks delicious! I made something simillar this week but I added diced bartlett pears to mine. Also when I was done baking it and it was still warm, I ate some with a dallop of organic plain yogurt on top. It was very much like cobbler with ice cream. Who says eating healthy has to taste bad!
Oh Ali, I do have one question, though. Lemon juice was the intolerance I found in phase 2. Do you think it would be ok to leave out the lemon juice or is there a non-citrus alternative. I found even a tablespoon or two in a recipe bothers me. Thanks for any advice!
Jennifer M.
I linked to you blog via Amy at SimplySugarandGlutenFree. I have enjoyed reading through your recipes. I made Chocolate Banana Teff Bread and it is not only delicious but the perfect texture and amount of sweetness. Thanks for sharing your life and your knowledge and skill.
Oh Wow. This looks amazing. Thanks so much for posting all of these lovely recipes! I'm reposting on facebook and my blog because I have friends who eat whole grain diets like myself. I'm in phase 3 of the elimination, but plan on making this for my family as soon as I'm done.
And a special thanks to Tom, who gave me some advice this week about a citrus intolerance I found in phase 2! It was very helpful.
oooh, i've been wanting to try coconut sugar, and haven't been able to find it anywhere. i'd use it to make your apple crisp, because we just went apple pickin', and we've got to use up those apples somehow!
I love coconut, I love sugar, and I love a contest!
Not sure what happened to my comment. Trying again.
This looks amazing. My stomach is now growling. I hope you are bringing this with you to BlogHer Food.
I wonder if I can get that coconut sugar where I live. I've been hearing about it more and it sounds good.
Please enter me into this contest; coconut sugar looks great and low(er) glycemic!
Yumm. Looks good. We have been cooking with coconut oil. I keep hearing about the coconut sugar and flour. Nice to learn more about it here! We just bought many, many pounds of apples. This will be on our list.
I have been wanting to try coconut sugar for a while. Thanks for the contest!
THIS is why I loooove fall!
Love your site and all the recipes. Can't wait to try this one. Thanks for sharing!
Looks amazing!
That recipe looks amazing!! :) I will definitely be trying it out! Thanks for the giveaway!
This recipe caught my attention because I am obsessed with coconut products! I would love to try this and have never seen coconut sugar! Where can I get it? I am sharing this on my FB page - I have quite a few Celiac and allergic friends!
This recipe looks delicious! I would love to try coconut sugar. I just discovered the joys of all things coconut a few months ago. I never knew coconut sugar existed!
Wow! That looks amazing. We've got an abundance of apples right now. Just finished an apple pie and was wondering what to make next! I've been falling head over heels with coconut, I can't wait to try the coconut sugar. Thanks for all the inspiration!
This looks delicious! I would LOVE some coconut sugar!
This looks delicious! I'm new to the whole foods/gluten free lifestyle and I've been trying a few of your recipes. The ice cream was amazing!!
Wow, the recipe looks awesome. I was also curious on the coconut sugar.
Ooooo coconut sugar! I have been wanting to try it, but wasn't sure how it tastes. The apple crisp recipe is perfect timing as I was looking for a yummy vegan recipe to try out for the family today!
Autumn is the perfect time for buckles, slumps and grunts! I am ready to head out to the apple tree right now!
thanks for sharing this with our GF SF house.
I am so glad that I have found your website and cookbook. I love trying the new recipes that you post. Thanks so much for sharing all you do - - Nettie McFarland - Daytona Beach Florida
This sounds amazing! I have a ton of apples right now because I went picking at an orchard last week, so this is the perfect time to try this crisp. I'm really intrigued by the coconut sugar, too, and would love to try it.
Wow the Apple Crisp looks wonderful and I am interested in trying coconut sugar in some recipes.
We'll definitely be making this apple crisp! We made the nectarine ice cream today to celebrate our youngest's half birthday (she's 5 1/2 and did a great job helping to make the ice cream). She and I loved the ice cream. Her brother didn't (and I wonder whether it's because I made the mistake of telling him what the ingredients were (had he been part of making it, it might have been different)).
This looks so yummy! I'm posting it on facebook as well. Thank you so much!! :)
Thanks for posting on the coconut sugar, I had been wondering how it tasted and baked. Also thank for your wonderful,healthy dishes!