Paleo Chicken Nuggets

Ali Segersten (author) Aug 11, 2020
Average Recipe
Prep Time
20 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes

Serve these nutritious grain-free chicken nuggets to your children for dinner with a Honey Mustard Dressing for dipping and a green salad or steamed vegetable. Using low-glycemic almond flour, organic chicken breasts, and heat-stable coconut oil is what makes them so nutritious. For optimal digestion, serve the meal with a few spoonfuls of raw sauerkraut or cultured vegetables.

1½ pounds boneless chicken breasts
3 teaspoons poultry seasoning
1 teaspoons Herbamare (or sea salt)
4 tablespoons arrowroot powder
4 tablespoons water
1½ cups blanched almond flour
6 tablespoons coconut oil