Throughout this website and my cookbooks, I use a sea salt and herb blend called Herbamare; it can be found at your local health food store or ordered online. It’s a fabulous replacement for sea salt as it lends more flavors with the added benefit of less sodium per teaspoon compared to plain salt. If you can’t find Herbamare, then you can create your own at home using some fine sea salt (I like to use Real Salt) and dehydrated herbs and vegetables—most of which can be found in the bulk herb and spice section at your local health food store. If you can’t find an ingredient then just leave it out. Use this flavorful herbed sea salt anywhere sea salt is called for in a savory recipe!
1 cups
fine sea salt
1 tablespoons
kelp granules
4 tablespoons
dried chives
4 tablespoons
dried parsley
3 tablespoons
dried nettles
2 tablespoons
dried marjoram
2 tablespoons
dried thyme
1 tablespoons
dried rosemary
1 tablespoons
dried basil
1 tablespoons
onion powder
1 tablespoons
garlic powder
Optional Additions
3 tablespoons
3 tablespoons
dried lovage
3 tablespoons
fresh lamb's quarters