Easy Recipe
Prep Time
10 minutes
Wait Time
8 hours
Cook Time
1 hour 20 minutes

These delicious and easy black beans can be cooked at the beginning of the week and then added to egg and vegetable scrambles, tacos, chili, or used to top brown rice for nourishing meals throughout the week! The cooked black beans can also be frozen with some of their bean cooking liquid for future use.

Preparation Note

Sort through the dry black beans and remove any shriveled or discolored beans. Then place the beans into a glass bowl, cover with several inches of fresh water, and allow them to soak on your counter for 8 to 24 hours. Rinse and drain through a colander.

2 cups black beans
1 medium white onion cut into chunks
4 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 bay leaves
6 cups water
2 teaspoons sea salt